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chandlerriggs5: the first time i met you, we were both some dumb, nervous 10 year olds trying to break it into the industry with little to no clue as to what we were really doing

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chandlerriggs5: the first time i met you, we were both some dumb, nervous 10 year olds trying to break it into the industry with little to no clue as to what we were really doing. it was one of the first things we'd ever been cast in, the biggest thing at the time, too. and we didn't know it (how could we), but we were both about to be thrown into the biggest whirlwind of childhoods, something i'd honestly never expected. to this day, i'm not sure how i would have done it without you. it was all so overwhelming at times, there was so much to do, so many people to meet, so many places to be. and even if it was busy and a little chaotic and it took so much work to get here, i'm glad the last decade (give or take a couple years) played out the way it has. because this experience didn't just provide me my career, it also lead me to you. it was scary, the changes that occurred during the past year, but you were there for me before and you stayed there for me after. you gave up things i'd never ask of you for me, and you did it willingly. you moved back to la with me to follow a blind dream and a whim of mine and you didn't even think twice before doing it. i've had you in my life for almost as long as i can remember and i wouldn't change a second of it. because even the mistakes i made led me to where i am, right now, with you. and right now you're in the middle of our kitchen, wearing an old shirt of mine and random spongebob shorts that i think you've had since you were ten, and you're dancing to some random song as you make us "birthday pancakes" at half past midnight. it's both the most grown up and immature sight i've ever seen- a girl i love cooking in our own apartment we share, wearing incredibly childish pajamas. but that's life with you, it's always been this. a random balance of what matters, be it seriousness or levity. you bring a harmony into my life that i would never want to change or lose- and if things go right, i never will. i love you more than anything. i'm so thankful to have you and to be with you, and i wonder every day why you chose a dumbass like me to fall in love with but i'm so happy you did. the pancakes are done now and if i don't eat them before they get cold, you'll start to pout, so i'll wrap this up. you make me the happiest guy on earth. happy 18th, sydney. being an adult's gonna suck but if we beat puberty together, i'm sure we'll manage. i love you. thank you for being mine.
tagged; realsydevans
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so... that's it. it's actually done. i've been postponing this chapter for a week bc it hurt to write. i'm gonna miss these two a lot, so so so much. sydney's one of my favorite characters i've ever created. she is strong and kind and such a good person (who i put through so much pain, sorry for that) and i'm so glad to be able to give her a happy ending.

i know i've said this before but thank you for reading these two books. for loving him them and commenting and urging me to keep writing when i doubted myself. i've made so many friends bc of these books i'm incredibly thankful for you all.

so i'd like to thank a couple people, specifically rheesus daiIyparker and enjdgrimes , who are incredibly supportive beautiful souls who i started talking to because of their comments on disconnected. y'all really motivate and help me and put a smile on my face every time i update, i'm very glad we're friends.

also -adorejily Ava_osw05xx lividtozier catallystic carlsgrime sondergirl -CHILDOFROSES and so many others for your constant comments that always lift up my spirits. your support's the reason i update and ik this is sappy and not that serious but i just wanted to say thank you.

and especially, the biggest thank you goes to rileysblues . my best friend who has been with me from the start, who listened to my rambles and beta read so many chapters and approved of my manips. you urged me to keep going when i really didn't want to sometimes, and you're half the reason i finished these two fanfics. so, thank you.

ik this is just a dumb fanfic but it means a lot to me so i'd like for you all, if you're reading this to know that.

[ps: chandler and syd would adopt a cat and name her orion, their careers would keep thriving, both acting and music wise, though, after a couple years sydney would want to get back into professional dancing too, as well as a little modeling. they go through their ups and downs but they stay together and happy and get married at 26. they both want two kids and they'll be the best damn fucking parents. goodbye.]

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