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i talked to axl. i'm only doing this for him.
meet me at my house, tomorrow at 5pm. i'll send you my address


Sydney's hands were shaking. She wasn't sure how long her dad had been in Los Angeles for or how long he'd be staying, but the fact that he'd tried to contact her was more than unusual. Axl had told her he'd apparently even tried going back to her old residence to try and find her. Apparently, Alexandra had sold the house. No one seemed to mind that much.

Now, at her own apartment, her own home. Having a home in the city of Angels was something she'd once deemed impossible, but the past couple of months had proven that untrue. Turns out all she needed was the right people. The right person. The entire state of California needed not to be burned off the map for things her mother had done.

So, there she sat- on her couch, at four fifty-nine in the afternoon, baby pink coated fingernails digging softly into her palms to stop her trembling hands. She faced the door she didn't dare to let her gaze meet, instead focusing her eyes on the brown boots she'd slipped on, tapping them against the hardwood floor.

And when the clock struck five, a knock ran through the door. Furrowing her dark brows at the immediate punctuality, the girl slowly rose, legs heavy and she made her way to the entrance. The door opened, allowing her blue eyes to set on a similar shade. "Sydney," He exhaled. HIs tone carried half contentment and half surprise- at what exactly, she wasn't sure.

Words failed her for a second, so she let her gaze wander. His hair was lighter than she remembered, more gray strands lining it, and she didn't recall the slight lines creasing the skin next to his eyes when she thought of him. But he had the same slightly crooked nose, the same tentative and questioning smile as always, the same bags under his eyes that screamed exhaustion. The man was her dad, nineteen months hadn't changed him that much.

Her jaw was clenched tight as she took a step back allowing him to pass through the doorframe and into the living room. "This is, uh... This is a nice apartment you have here!" She could sense the awkwardness in his fake exclamation as his eyes wandered around the room and into the hallway leading to the rest of the house. "You live with your boyfriend, right? That Chandler kid from your show? I haven't seen him in a while, where is-" His faux casualness irritated her more than just a little, so she let her words ring out, cutting him off.

"He had an audition, we can talk alone." She set simply, voice set at a purposefully low volume and tone as neutral as she could get it before she cleared her throat uncomfortably, her father nodding. "Well... Have a seat. Do you want anything to drink or..." She was simply being cordial and attempting to escape the awkwardness coating the room, but her father shook his head nonetheless and followed her towards the couch.

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