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"Okay, let's finish this shit," Sydney muttered as she sat back down on her bed after turning on her camera. She'd borrowed the equipment from Axl once she'd arrived back in Georgia for the holidays, the two of them deciding to still spend Christmas together and let Kevin and Allison be with their newborn. Spending this time of year together felt too much like family too quickly, they were trying to be tentative and slow with this. There would be other times, calmer times.

So, she sat now, next to her boyfriend in a room she hadn't slept in for a couple months. She found it odd, how it still felt like home and yet the noun had now arranged itself to fit a one bedroom apartment in Los Angeles. Sydney tried not to dwell on it as she began to make due on a promise she had failed to keep nearly a year ago. "So... Boyfriend tag. Right? Is that still what we're doing?" She questioned, eyebrows creasing her forehead as they met.

"I mean, I guess? We got fan questions too, so we could do that? ...Doing an actual Q&A's a little weird." Chandler muttered, making his girlfriend hold back a laugh. "Let's do it, I guess?"

"Into the rabbit hole, we go," Sydney muttered, chuckling as she opened up and started scrolling through her Twitter app. It took her a couple seconds to reach a random question, giggling as she found one. "Oh boy. 'What did you think of Chandler's mullet'." As the boy in question began to laugh, subconsciously running his hand through his now short hair and down the back of his neck. "I... Laughed at first? You seemed so done when you told me, I couldn't do anything but laugh."

"She kept trying to touch it and see it, I hated it." He muttered to himself, rolling his eyes and chuckling at his girlfriend's attempt at hiding her giggles. "You seemed pretty relieved when I chopped it off, honestly." Sydney nodded slowly, a smile spreading across her face.

"Oh yeah, I was the first person to tell him to chop it off. Even before the mullet," As he began blushing just a little, Sydney found herself grinning more and more. "That damn photoshoot," She muttered under her breath, managing to keep her laughter in. Chandler, not so much, chuckling as he mentioned her insistence on bringing up said pictures. "I'm sorry, okay, you just looked good. Sue me."

Despite the badly covered up redness of his cheeks, the boy responded smoothly. "I'll get my lawyers ready." But after a random grumble about something having to do with haircuts and a couple scrolls down his Twitter, he landed on a question. "What were your first impressions of each other?"

"I was intimidated." Sydney laughed, making him frown. At his confusion, the girl elaborated. "My brother spent a good two years reading the comics. When I auditioned, he spent a good month telling me about the story and it was just Carl this, Carl that. I was fucking intimidated as hell, I thought you'd be some cool, Oscar award winning actor or whatever," He began to laugh as Sydney chuckled to herself. "But then, I actually met you for our chemistry read. And you were nice to me and looked sorta nervous, but we bounced off each other well. So, that really calmed me down. And, here we are, now." She finished explaining, finally looking up to meet her boyfriend's eyes, the nostalgia coating his gaze and smile making her chest twist a little.

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