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realsydevans: the past 8 years have been insane

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realsydevans: the past 8 years have been insane. growing up on a set has been both a huge blessing and occasional curse, but i wouldn't trade this journey for the world. i was ten years old when i was first cast in the walking dead. my brother had flown me out to the audition, and i still remember the grin on his face when he spoke about the comic series he enjoyed so much being translated onto the small screen; the pride on his face when he learned i'd be a part of it. casey was never in the source material, which allowed me to help shape and develop her as her own person. this made her a part of me. she's never felt like a character i put on, like a performance. casey's always felt like a friend. no matter what was wrong in my personal life, how lost or unhappy i was, i knew i had her. being called on set was a damn relief, and getting to recite her lines and feel her being was second nature. she feels like someone i've grown alongside of. she's the most caring, compassionate soul, and there have been genuine times in my life where i've aspired to be more like her. i am who i am because of her. i have the career i have because of her. i have the relationship i have because of her. i am who i am because of her. deciding to leave her behind was one of the most difficult decisions of my life. certain things happen behind the scenes sometimes, things you don't get to control, and they hurt you. but i made a choice, a choice i think she'd be proud of. there are things that i don't agree with, and that i don't want to put her through unraveling. so, for the sake of my own happiness, my career, and my love for this character i hold so dear to me, i have decided to leave the walking dead. thank you for watching me grow. thank you for loving casey as much as i do. i hope i get to play a part like this again, one that feels this much like home. i don't think i will. this feels like a once in a lifetime sort of experience. but you'll hear from me soon. this isn't the end- both mine or hers. -s
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sad lil update. i made syd leave because tbh, after everything we've learned about gimple and chandler and this whole situation, she wouldnt want to stay

to put casey through this, and to put herself through it, it isnt something she'd gladly do. especially since she'd be turning 18 while filming season 9, so she'd probably get the same treatment as chandler and get killed off randomly. so, realistically, she wouldn't stay

does this mean casey's dying or leaving in lrpd? nope. i won't say if she dies or leaves in this fanfic because her future's left uncertain for now. but she's safe

this is really sad so i'm gonna update a second time today because it's christmas!! it's not supposed to be sad!! happy holidays if you celebrate them. i'm gonna go eat some pie rn bc i'm w my family, hope your holidays are going great x

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