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axlmevans: the best damn sibling trio you've ever seen

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axlmevans: the best damn sibling trio you've ever seen. say hi to sammy everyone (pic creds: chandlerriggs5)
tagged; realsydevans
598k likes, 4.8k comments

username1: WHAT

username2: sibling trio what the fuck

username3: WAIT wasn't his dad's mistress??? pregnant??? what the fUCK is going on in this family's life whAT

realsydevans: username3 his wife. my dad's wife was pregnant. so, now here's my baby brother. that's what's going on in my life.


username5: first, that lowkey shady tweet @ twd hinting at her leaving, then dropping moonlight, now this lowkey savagery, syd isn't playing this month damn

username6: can we talk about chandler taking the picture? and being in this family reunion? i'm fucking sobbing

username7: username6 no but srs family interactions when it comes to chandney make my heart blow out my chest gina ann posted that pic promoting moonlight the other day and i fucking choked

username8: i love their family sm? it's not perfect, it's been a little messy, they've stumbled a lot, but seeing axl and syd being pictured with their dad yesterday, and now this, i really love the fact that things fix themselves sometimes, it gives me hope.

realsydevans liked username8's comment

realsydevans liked username8's comment

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realsydevans: she took me shopping. i love her already.
tagged; alliknott
437k likes, 3.6k comments

username1: she's so pretty omg

username2: i love how happy they look them getting along makes my heart flutter

username3: is it a evans family requirement to be BEAUTIFUL what the heck

username4: lmao a mini slut and a homewrecker

axlmevans: username4 lmao love ur bitterness, ur totally a far better person, 13 year old instagram troll

username5: ^i love it when he goes off ugh

alliknott: Had a great time, Sydney!

realsydevans: alliknott <3

username6: where are the bags if they went shopping??

axlmevans: username6 they made me CARRY THEM save me

realsydevans: axlmevans shut up u spend so much time at the gym i have to use u for something

axlmevans: next time im charging u both



how did it go? how was she?

it went really well!! she's really funny?? and she picked up on our dynamics really quick, and i could tell she was a little nervous but she was really kind and her whole face lit up when she talked abt my dad
i'm genuinely so happy

i'm so happy for you
i TOLD you it'd go well

yeah yeah i know i was anxious over nothing
idk i.. my dad seems really in love with her and after letting him back in my life, if she sucked it'd break my heart
but she's great so it's all good
she asked about you

she what now
what did you say

she asked me how you are. when we met, just about us
she asked abt ur fucking mullet i choked on air


u know i love u, mullet man
omg should i make that ur contact id

sydney don't you fucking dare

i won't i won't

mullet man💙:
thank u


chandler's filming in alabama but am i gonna mention it? nope. am i gonna act like he's still in la currently? bet !

chandney q&a in the next chapter?? leave some questions if u wanna even tho it's the bf tag

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