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Song Dea POV

Kim...Taehyung ?

Baru je semalam aku jumpa Taehyung yang aku kenal tapi hari ni...aku jumpa orang yang memiliki wajah yang semirip dengan Taehyung, kawan aku. Aku pun tertanya-tanya sama ada aku masih normal atau tidak. Sebab aku agak terkejut. Mata aku yang sembap ni asyik terbayang wajah Taehyung.

" Hey, why are you silent ? " soal Alice, rakan sekelas aku. Aku pun memandangnya dengan senyuman.

" Im sorry Alice, where are we ? "

" Oh yes, about the orientation, we will come to the hall about a week.  So, me, as your classmate and also roomate, I will lead you. Everything in your that make you questioning them, please ask me okay ? "

" Okay, Alice I wanna ask you something. "

" Yes, you can. "

" Do you know Kim Taehyung ? "

" Taehyung ? Oh My God ! Seriously, if you doesn't know about him, you will be sorry, he is the most popular student in this U. About three fanclub are made for him. "

Biar betik ! Dah macam selebriti aku dengar.

" Why are you asking Dea  ? "

" Nothing, he is really look like my friend. "

" Ouh... "

Kalau aku terserempak dengan dia lagi, macam mana ? Aku dahlah masih baru kat sini. Kang tak pasal kena kecam sebab dia dulu yang tegur aku masa aku terlanggar aku. Oh gosh ! Memalukan !

" Dea, lets go to the cafeteria. "

" Okay. "


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