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as i laid the soft, fluffy blankets on the floor near the sofa; i heard two knocks on the door which signalled that august was already infront of my house.

i immediately went to door and opened it for him, a big smile plastered on my face.

but it immediately went away as soon as i saw him in agony, carrying a lot of stuff and food.

"aigoo, you poor kid." i said as i helped him with the stuff he was carrying all along.

"ah, thanks for the help, dimwit." he said and placed down the food on the table.

"cielo, je vaisㅡquelle gueule? (cielo, i willㅡwhat the fuck?" i heard someone from behind say.

i spun around and saw my brother, jhope at the last flight of stairs, casually dressed and a bag slung around his shoulder.

"oh, bonjour frére! (oh, hello brother!)" i waved at him.

he immediately went down the stairs whilst raising an eyebrow at me and pointed at august. "qui est-il? (who is he?)" he asked, and gave us a suspicious look.

"oh! il est mon ami. (he is my friend.)" i explained to him and smiled.

"ton ami? (your friend?)" he questioned and circled around us while holding his chin, obserbing both of our actions. "ou ton petit ami? (or your boyfriend?)"

my eyes suddenly widened at his question and i immediately slapped his shoulder. "il n'est pas! (he's not!)" i retorted, feeling all the blood in my body went up to my face. i was so red in humiliation.

i heard august chuckle and jhope snorted. "bien sûr, il n'est pas. (pft, ofcourse he isn't.)" he said. "right, gussie?" he said to august and played with august's chin.

"damn right you are, hobi." august said and they both raised a hand for a high-five which made me confused.

"you know each other?" i asked.

"ofcourse, we were classmates in elementary." august said.

"o...kaaay? weirdos." i simply said, and turned my back from both of them who were sharing laughters and stories about how their life was going.

i went to the kitchen table and opened the box of pepperoni pizza that august had brung and devoured a slice.


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"mm. this is so good." i said and closed my eyes, feeling the moment when someone screamed.

"BYE-BYE, JHOOOOOOOOOPE!" i quickly spun around and saw august screaming and waving goodbye's to jhope while as his sister, i just stood there in the kitchen counter, looking at him while eating.

family is life but food is lifer. don't fight me on this.

as soon as jhope got lostㅡ i mean, exited the house, august approached me and patted my head. "aigoo, such a hungry beast." he said and got a slice of the pizza too.


i just cant take it anymore someone help me i suddenly craved for pizza -c

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