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August Dic
active now

7:10 PM

august: why the fuck did you hang up?

august: i still wanted to talk to you more

august: we haven't talked much ever since you had your vacation

august: or was it really a vacation?

august: i bet it wasn't

august: because of those shitty bruises that covered your skin

august: i now know the cause of those bruises

august: it was your boyfriend all along

august: what was his name? taevi?

august: he's pure bullshit

august: and what you said awhile ago on the phone call, was wrong

august: i care about you, cielo

august: did you think i didn't?

august: because i was cold to you all the time?

august: i'm sorry for that, though

august: the main reason i was like that was because of clare

august: you know how much i love her because you saw our conversation at the shop

august: but, please, cielo

august: open up to me

august: you can trust me

august: i won't tell anyone

august: i can't just let you carry all the problems all by yourself

august: you need someone

august: someone whom you could talk with

august: someone whom you can rely on

august: and that person is me ;)

august: cielo?

cielo: meet me at the serendipity exhibit.

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