Chapter 5: You Know You Love Me

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The whole night all I could think about was who kissed me. My lips still had a tingly sensation and I could feel my face burning red. I placed my head gently against my pillow that I had laid on the end of the tree. Thinking about him this much was certainly not good for my health.

I was obssessed with him.

And the kiss.

"Ethan, I know it was you." I whispered softly, knowing he could hear me.

I rummaged my eyes across the sky, hoping he could reply back. I just wanted to see him so badly. I wanted to feel him, kiss him.

"Why aren't you answering me?" I asked again.

No reply.

"Why did you kiss me?" I needed to know this.

"Why would you think I was the one who kissed you?"

Dragons erupted in my stomach as soon as I heard his sexy and menacing voice.

"I know it was you. I felt it in my heart. And I'm familiar with your scent ever since you gave me that sweater."

"You're pretty clever." He teased. I huffed angrily. Why was he trying to change the topic?

"Why did you kiss me Ethan? I want an answer."

"Because I was bored."

I felt a pang hit my heart as soon as he said that. I closed my eyes shut, letting a tear dribble on my cheek. It was dark, he wouldn't be able to see me crying. Why did I care so much? 

"I can see in the dark, Elena." 

"Just go away." I murmured. I didn't care if he could see me cry. That 'beautiful' moment we had was gone. He was just trying to pass his time on me anyways.

"You intrigue me. You refuse to say you have any feelings for me but when I refuse too, you start crying. Whats your aim?"

"I don't have any 'aim' Ethan! You can never understand can you? Maybe you should think twice before kissing a girl and then telling her you did it out of boredom. I'm crying because you hurt  my feelings." I screamed in pure anger. My heart ached miserably.

There was no reply. I urged to keep on going on.

"You know what you are, Ethan? You're a coward. You have the guts to look at me, read my mind and play with my feelings but you can't even show me yourself. I feel sorry for cowards like you." I spat bitterly.

"Maybe you should stop begging to see me if you don't feel anything for me, Elena Stone."

He spat angrily. His bitter words felt like venom.

"So that's whats itching you? Maybe you should stop begging me to feel anything for you."

"You're just a vulnerable, powerless and clueless human. I'm bad for you Elena. Very, very, very bad." He growled. I shivered at the menace laced in his voice. 

"You're not bad, Ethan." I spoke much more gently, I was scared of what he would respond to that.

"How can you say that when you don't even know what I am?" He sounded confused and hurt.

"Because you care, you love and you forgive. Evil beasts don't do anything of the sort. I don't care what or who you are, I just want to see you."

"I can't let you."

"Why not? Life is made to take risks." I urged on.

"If I show you myself, it will be first and last time. I will never talk to youagain. I've warned you enough but it looks like you just can't quench your thirst. I'm telling you now Elena, when you see me, you will lose me forever afterwards."

My heart beated fast with excitement but at the same time my heart ached even more with pain. I wanted to see him desperately but I didn't want to lose him either.

"Why are you doing this Ethan? Why can't you just let me see you? Why do I have to lose you?" I cried softly

"Make up your mind." He ordered sternly.

"I need you." I whispered, closing my eyes shut and letting the tears fall carelessly.

"Then don't risk losing me." He sounded much more softer this time.

"But I need to see you just the same." It was so difficult to confess infront of him.

"You either see me now, or never. You either lose me now, or never."

My brain was racking for a right decision. While my heart was chanting me to see him my brain was warning me of the consequences.

But then again....

we always do....

what our heart tells us to.

"I made up my mind." I stated, unsure if I was doing the right think.

"Surprise me." 

"I want to see you." I wiped my tears off and exhaled slowly. I stood up as I saw the sky swirling. My heart was thumping really fast. I could feel the andrenaline rush in my veins.

It's time, it's time, it's time.

The lightning struck loudly in the sky and my heart literally jumped out of my body. I closed my eyes shut, terrified at the storm that was about to come. The winds were crying hard, and the lightning struck once again. The black clouds were swirling and fear piled up in my throat. I was scared to open my eyes so I kept them shut tightly. Just then his amazing and masculine scent filled my ears. The lightning struck harder than ever I could feel his presence.

"Happy now, beautiful?" A strong and thunderic voice filled my ears.

I opened my eyes and...



So it's a cliffhanger?! I guess you guys are proving that you're more creative with your bad words than Elena right now. ;) I know, I know, I'm a terrible person. But not as terrible as Ethan :3

Anyways, here are a few questions you better ask yourself for this chapter.

Q1) What do you think he looks like? Is he human?

Q2) What do you think Elena's reaction will be?

Q3) Do you think she made the right choice by choosing to see him?

Q4) Do you think he will stick to his word and never speak to her again?

Okay so I know there are way too many questions I have for you but YOU BETTER ANSWER THEM BELOW.

Make sure you throw your tomatoes at me once they're rotten. Ciao for now :)

~Cookie Dough~

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