Chapter 9: 20943 Years and Counting.

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I woke up from my deep sleep and all the yesterday's events dawned upon me. 

No Elena, it wasn't a dream. You really are in a castle that is in the sky right now.

My brain shot at me. I inhaled and closed my eyes, still finding everything so hard to believe. Suddenly, I heard some one knocking on my door. I jumped up from my bed in alarm to open it.

"Who is it?" I asked before opening the door.

"The rapist." Some one said from the other side.

"I'm sorry w-what?!" I asked completely confused and scared.

"Open the door, Elena." The voice said and I giggled realizing it was probably Ethan.

I quickly put on a blue summer dress that some one had laid on the couch earlier. It must've been one of Ethan's servants.

I swung the door open and there he was, leaning against the door and wearing a black shirt that showed how perfect his chest was a long with a pair of dark jeans. I blushed fiercely as we made eye-contact. I couldn't believe I could see him.

"If you're done checking me out, can we talk?" He asked teasingly while raising his eye-brow.

I scowled at him but agreed.

"Where do you want to talk?" I asked.

"In the rose garden?''

"Yea okay sure." I agreed and followed him.

As soon as we reached the garden, I took a deep breath. Everything about the garden was so perfect. There was possibly every single shade of rose that you could find here and it was much bigger than a garden should be.

We took a seat on the grass. He locked his eyes into mine in such a way that I felt like it was a sin to look away.

"I know you're confused. I think you deserve to know everything." Ethan said while taking hold of my hand.

Concentrate. Concentrate. He's just holding your hand.

"I want to know what the Prince of Darkness is." I asked firmly.

He took a deep breath and looked into my eyes. As if he was searching for something.

"There are nine dynasties that rule this world. Humans don't know about these dynasties and nor can they see them. The Dynasty of Darkness is the most powerful dynasty of all. Each dynasty is responsible for different things that happen in this world. I am the Prince of my dynasty. There are eight other princes. I control storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, eruptions, cyclones and many other things that bring fear, terror and destruction in this world. You can call me the bad guy if you want." He smiled as he finished the last sentence.

I blinked as he was done explaining. This was a lot to take in.

"So you're not a vampire or any supernatural thing?" I asked.

He laughed and threw his head back. I frowned in confusion.

"This whole time you thought I was a vampire? I am supernatural, just not any of those things you humans read about in books and what not. I'm more like a being with extra-ordinarily powerful abilities." He replied, amused.

I blushed immediately at my stupidity.

"What can you do?" I asked, slowly. 

"Everything." He replied back nonchahalantly.

"Where do the other princes live?"

"They all live in their own castles in the sky. I meet them once in a week for meetings and some of them are my friends and come over to my castle for a few nights. Now that you live here, you should be expecting many guests." He grinned sexily.

"I'm going to ask  you something but you need to promise me you won't get angry." I said, gulping.

I needed to know this.

"What is it? I promise I won't get angry." He replied, curiosity filling his eyes.

"Why...did you bring me to your castle if its forbidden from all the humans? Why didn't you just let me die in the woods all to myself? And out of all the people in this world, why did you choose me?" I asked, a little scared already.

"Because..." he took a deep breath and looked at me intently.

"Because every Prince has a...." he stopped in his tracks and looked away.

What was so hard for him to tell?

"Has a what?" I asked eagerly. My heart was racing really fast.

"Every Prince has a soul mate. Your soul mate has to be human. She has to have an identical personality which matches yours and if she dies, so do you. I didn't mention that we princes are immortal before however there is only one thing that could kill us, the death of our soul mate. All of the princes are my friends except for the Prince of Fire. We've been enemies since birth and he wants to be the strongest prince there is. He has been searching for you his whole life so that he could kill you. I luckily found you first and kept you hidden in the woods; but things gout out of hand when you started making suicidal attempts so I had to bring you here to keep you safe. However, if he finds out you're here with me, it will be very hard for me to protect you." Ethan said slowly with great difficulty.

I almost gasped in shock.

I..was...his soul mate?

"Are you saying that I'm your...soul mate?" I asked, completely confused.

"Yes."  He said while giving me a warm smile.

My heart melted and I could feel my stomach doing internal back flips. I could cry of happiness right now. No wonder why I am so crazily in love with him, even before I got to see him.

But was I ready for all of this? And my life was also in danger.

"You don't have to be scared. I will protect you even if I have to lose my powers for it. Because... I love you." He squeezed my hand and brought me closer to him.

"I know." I smiled while cupping his face with my hands.

He kissed me tenderly, shooting fireworks in my stomach. Our lips molded perfectly as if they were made to kiss one another. I sighed in pure pleasure as he kept elongating the kiss and refusing to break it.

"Ethan I-" I tried to speak but he silenced me and kissed me again.


"Ssshh." He whispered and joined our lips again.

I smiled in the kiss and he nibbled on my lower lip. I refused to give him entrance but he kept on nibbling. He wasn't going to give up, was he?

Well so wasn't I. I wasn't letting him slide his tongue inside and I could feel his annoyance radiating off of him.

"Open up already." 

I heard his voice strike in my head and I gasped in the kiss. We could still communicate telepathically?! He took this as an oppurtunity to sneakily slide his tongue inside my mouth and explore me. I kept on smiling in the kiss as our tongues met. Finally out of breath, he gave up and so did I. We parted and I blushed as I felt my  bottom lip swell. He grinned sheepishly and messed up his hair, making him look even sexier.

Then it struck me. He said he was immortal....

"Wait how old are you again?" I asked, a little panicked.

"20943 years old and counting." He smiled devilishly.

''Ethan you do realize that makes you a pedophile and me a teenage girl who has a sick obssession with old men..." I scrunched my nose in disgust.

"I'm not an old man. I barely look like I'm twenty years old and will stay that way for the rest of my life. Its you who needs to worry about aging, darling." He teased.

"I don't want to look like your mother by the next thirty years." I frowned

He chuckled and threw his head back.

"Don't worry, I'll use my powers to keep you young and beautiful forever." He said and cupped my cheek warmly.

And that is why I loved him.

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