Chapter one: Home?

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Asteria was tense, as she stepped through the fireplace grate to her family's manor. While the young witch had only been gone for a school year, she knew things were changing, especially since her father was transferring her school back to Hogwarts. She vaguely remembered the large castle, having only spent her first year there, before transferring to Illvermorny, the school in America for witches and wizards. She had never really understood why she had been transferred and her younger brother hadn't; not that she had ever asked. But at 16, Asteria had long since learned not to question her father's motives. She brushed off her black pants, and adjusted her shirt, before pausing.

"Mother! Father!" She called out, keeping her tone light, a tone she reserved for her family, it was a fake tone because she had to keep up appearances. She knew everyone was home. She had stayed longer in America, saying goodbye to her friends and making sure she didn't forget a single thing. Being that it was August 16th, and she started school back at Hogwarts on September 1st. She was shocked that she wasn't being greeted by her family. Her father's anger at her refusal to come straight home after term ended, her mother's complacent behavior and her brother's curiosity about school in America; Asteria knew what she signed on for when she ignored her father's summons to return directly home.

But nonetheless, she let out a soft sigh, rolling her tense shoulders, and heading towards her room. She wasn't much of a fan of the manor, it was so large and always quiet, which is why she only returned home when she had too. She paused at her bedroom door before pushing it open, shocked to see her mother standing on the balcony, looking out at the surrounding landscape.

"Mother?" Asteria called out softly, and her mother's blue eyes connected with her grey ones.

"You've returned." Her mother's voice was gentle and she looked tired.

"Is everything alright, mother?" Asteria was confused, her mother never spent much time in her children's room, and never looked so drained.

"Oh my darling daughter, I hope so." She whispered and walked towards Asteria. Long, elegant fingers reached out and brushed Asteria's cheek. "I need you to make a promise, that you always follow your heart." Her mother finished, before exiting the room and disappearing down the hall.

Asteria stared after her mother long after she had been gone, confusing thoughts running through her head. Her mother was usually blunt and to the point, never vague and spaced out like just then. Asteria rolled her shoulders again and shut her door, finally feeling some semblance of peace, locked in her own room. Her walls were a deep purple, matched with black furniture. Since her transfer to America, the house she had been sorted into wasn't a big deal. When she was sorted at Hogwarts, back when she was eleven, she had been sorted into Slytherin, she wondered if she would stay with that house or be resorted. As her thoughts circled around the possibility of being resorted, she moved her trunks down to the floor, off her bed, deciding against unpacking, since she'd have to pack it all in a few days anyway. She kicked off her black shoes and rested her head against her headboard, letting her eyes flutter shut.

It wasn't even twenty minutes later, a body barreled into her room, jumping onto her bed, causing Asteria's eyes to fly open, and she let out a soft laugh as she stared at her brother, his grey eyes that matched hers, full of light and happiness.

"I didn't know you were home!" He shouted, bouncing on his knees. He had grown a few inches in the time she'd been away, he was thin but it balanced his sharp features well.

"Why, hello to you too, Draco." She responded, smiling at her younger brother.

"When did you get back?" He asked, he'd grown since she'd seen him last summer, still thin, but long limbs and pale hair. If it wasn't for the thin figures they shared, as well as the grey eyes, or the trademark Malfoy smirk, no one would have been able to see the similarities between them. Contrasting to Draco's pale skin and hair, Asteria's hair was a jet black, thick and straight, and her skin was tanned from her time in America.

"Just now actually. How was school?" She asked as he sat next to her, his back to her headboard.

"The same. Though I won't ever repeat this, our DADA teacher was loads better than the other two, but he, of course, favored Potter and his Gryffindork friends." Draco snarled, but let out a sigh. "I got attacked by a hippogriff, and Father tried to have the blasted creature executed, but it escaped, probably Potters doing as well."

"Why do you assume that?" She asked, closing her eyes, regretting her question instantly. Her brother had a tendency to rant for hours about Potter.

"Because it is always Potters fault." He finished simply. "But a better question, will you be going with us to the Cup in a few days?" He asked, and she paused. Father hadn't mentioned anything in his letters.

"Of course, she'll be attending." Her father's unmistakable voice broke her thoughts, and she looked at him, he stood, posed in her door frame. His long pale hair tied back. Instead of arguing with him, she sighed.

"As father said, Draco, of course, I'll be going." She said giving him her best smile.

"Draco could you give your sister and I a moment?" Her father asked, his voice was empty, but she could see the anger in his eyes. And felt Draco hesitate, having to leave his sister alone, she patted his hand before standing from her bed. She was completely prepared for her father's rage and stood posed for it. She watched her brother slip out her door and cast a worried look back at her, before descending down the stairs.

"You disobeyed a direct order." Her father stepped forward, into her room.

"I told you, father, it was going to take me a moment to return. Your inability to be reasonable isn't my fault." Asteria replied with a delicate duck as her father swung his cane at her. She had learned many years ago how to avoid his cane.

"I don't appreciate your tone." He growled, emotion finally pulling at his features. He stepped closer, hoping to intimidate her. 

"I don't care." She answered she always knew to disagree with her father was playing with fire. "You act so high and mighty, here in the Manor or the Ministry," she added, pausing at the look on his face. "Don't look at me like that, father. I have my own resources, even in America. I wonder, did you ship me off there because you feared my ability to hold up the family legacy, or just because you preferred masquerading Draco as your only child?" She paused as she let her words sink into him. "But what are you going to do now? Why drag me back now? What are you planning, father?" She asked, stepping away from him, just out of his reach. 

"Don't presume to be smarter than your own good, Asteria." Her father said, but she could see it, in his face. He knew she was suspicious. 

"Don't assume that I'm so naive child, father. Even in America, I knew who you were, what you've done in the past." She replied, running a ran through her black hair, she was done playing ignorant to her father's choices. 

"It seems sending you to America was a mistake, you have forgotten your place, child." He replied, and she focused her gaze at him. 

"Don't mistake me, father, if your choices, your decisions, but Draco or Mother in harm's way, I will be the biggest mistake you had ever made. Now, remove yourself from my room, because I'm done looking at your face." She growled, not wavering at the look of fury on his face. She had probably pushed too far. But she knew there was some dastardly plan going on for her parents to drag her home and transfer her back to Hogwarts. Her father took his leave, and she sagged, sitting on the edge of her bed. She hated being here, she had to wear a mask here, to play the perfect Malfoy. At Illverymore, she could be who she wanted, not the eldest Malfoy child, not the child of a Death Eater, not a Black. She was just Asteria. 

This was going to be a very bad year indeed. 

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