Chapter five: Dragons?

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The week before the first task had just sent her emotions on a whirlwind. Draco had irritated her beyond anything when he came complaining about Moody transfiguring him into a ferret. He'd been incredibly offended when she burst into laughter. After her brother had taken off, she had found Potter waiting for her in the library, wringing his hands. Asteria had simply walked past him, and he had diligently followed her to her usual table, sitting next to her with a worried look. 

"What is it, Potter?" She whispered, pulling her book from her bag. He glanced up and sighed. 

"Dragons." The word was barely loud enough for her to hear, and she leaned forward. 

"Come again?" She asked, her eyebrow cocked in curiosity. 

"The first task, it's involves actual dragons." He repeated, louder then before, and she leaned back. 

"Blimey, well that'll be interesting." She replied. 

"I don't know what we will have to do and how the dragons are involved, but I know they are." He added, and he just looked scared and stressed. 

"Weasley still being a prat?" She asked, referring to the conversation they had, had a few days prior. Potter's eyes narrowed at the table, before leaning back. 

"Yeah, still a prat. And your brother isn't much better." Potter supplied, and Asteria chuckled softly. 

"I know, but honestly, it's not completely his fault, our father gave him orders to make your life difficult. And Draco wants to make our father proud. Don't ask me why, that part is beyond me, honestly. My father is a slimy git, and I've been itching to punch him in the throat." Asteria responded. 

"Then why does he look up to him?" Potter asking curiously. 

"You telling me you don't look up to your father?" She asked, and paused, "Or the stories you know of your father?" 

"But my father was a good man." Potter argued. 

"Possibly, but I'm sure there are people who don't think so highly of your father, but you go off what you know. And Draco knows that if he disappoints his father, there will be consequences." Asteria answered with a shrug. "Now, Potter go get some rest, we only have a few more days until the first task." She gave him, her best charming smile, and he nodded, before leaving. 

"Bloody dragons," Asteria muttered under her breath. 

-November 24th- 

Asteria stood gingerly at the tent flap, Potter had just captured the Golden egg, after using his broom, which even she had to admit was pretty intelligent. He was currently in the lead, with 40 points, and 39 points to Krum for smashing the dragon's actual eggs. She was to be next, once the bell sounded. She adjusted her cloak, grip tightening on her wand, once the gong sounded. She stepped out and eyed the dragon, who was currently distracted by the noise, with a quick swish of her wand, she cast a simple disillusionment charm over herself; and the crowd gasped as she vanished. She kept her wand in her hand as she silently crept over rocks and boulders, reaching the nest in record time, thought the dragon tail was wrapped around the nest, she got as close as she dared, and silently used a levitation charm, to literally bring the egg to her. Once in her hand, she retreated back towards the tent and undid her first charm; bringing a complete end to the first tasks, as everyone cheered. And she has rewarded a perfect score of 40, leaving her tied with Potter. She gave the crowd a soft bow and went inside her tent before the dragon took notice of her. She slipped inside and was greeted by Potter who was grinning. 

"That was clever." He said, as Madam Pomphrey patched a few minor injuries, who glanced up at her. 

"Oh thank goodness, you aren't injured." She muttered, and Asteria nodded. 

"No ma'am, I wouldn't risk scaring my lovely face for a dragon egg." She chuckled, and Potter followed. Dumbledore entered, and gave both her and Potter approving smiles. 

"That was brilliant, both of you. Mr. Potter, wonderful flying as always. And Ms. Malfoy, that was clever use of magic, I am really impressed." Dumbledore said, looking at her with a twinkle in his eyes. "Now, both of you got to get some rest, and study up." He smiled, and pausing, "And prepare yourselves for the Ball." He winked and left, leaving both of them staring shockingly. 

"Ball?" Asteria called after him. "He said, Ball, right, Potter?" She asked, looking at the younger boy and he nodded. 

"Yeah, I think so." He responded. 

"Oh, bloody hell." 

"Ms. Malfoy!"


Asteria sat in her common room, in front of the fire, with the Golden Egg in front of her. She had attempted to open in earlier and the sound had been horrible. So now, she sat there studying the patterns, trying to figure it out, when a soft sound reached her ears, and she glanced up, looking at the green tinted windows; coming face to face with one of the mermaids, who used had signed to motion to the egg and then the water, and she cocked her head to the side and it became clear. Asteria stood, bowing slightly to the mermaid in thanks, and ran to the male dorms. 

"Draco, come here!" She shouted, and winced as her voice carried. Her brother poked his head out of the room and raised a brow. 


"I need the password to the Prefect bathroom, don't ask questions, just give it to me." Asteria asked, giving him her best smile and he sighed. 

"Pine Fresh." He muttered, just loud enough for her to hear, before returning to his room. She quickly grabbed her sweater and took off, running towards the bathroom with the egg, clutched tightly in her hands. She had 2 hours before curfew. She gingerly knocked on the door, and hearing no response, let out a worried sigh, saying the password, she pushed her way in, and locked the door quickly. She didn't pause to the look around the master bathroom, just eyed the large pool of a bath, already filled with water, she dropped the egg in and kneeling on the edge, dunked her head in and opened the egg, listening closely to the song. 

'Come seek us where our voice sound, 

We cannot sing above the ground.And while you're searching, ponder this:We've taken what you'll sorely miss, An hour long you'll have to look,And recover what we took.But past an hour-the prospect's black too late, it's gone, it won't come back.'

Asteria yanked her head back above the water, shutting the egg as she brought it back up. Taking a deep breath, attempting to catch her breath. She pushed her wet hair back and leaned against the door, with a deep breath. 

"Bloody hell, a task in the Black Lake." She muttered, as she stood, and dried her hair with her wand and began the long walk back to the dungeons. She'd have to let Potter know, she'd have to hear the song himself. Simply encase the songs differed from egg to egg. Once back in her common rooms, she was shocked to find the majority of upperclassmen,  4th year to 6th, and Professor Snape, and she slipped inside. 

"I thought I would alert you all, to the coming preparations; for the upcoming Yule Ball, that is part of every Triwizard Tournament. Now, the ball will fall on Christmas night, and I expect every last one of you to behave yourself accordingly. Or the punishment will be severed." Snape's usual harsh and stern voice seemed even more so. And the slytherin group nodded, in response. And the Professor turned to her, "And as a champion, Ms. Malfoy, it is mandatory that you attend with a date." He finished, exiting the room, and she suddenly felt stressed, she hadn't made many friends at Hogwarts. Getting a date to the ball would be difficult until she caught glances of the massive amount of Slytherin's who seemed to eye her hungrily. And she groaned this wasn't going to be fun. 

"Oh hell." She muttered, before taking off before anyone could grab her. 

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