Chapter seventeen; Sneaks and Pranks?

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Upon returning to Hogwarts, Asteria could feel the change in the air. She had masterfully avoided dealing with Umbridge observing her classes before the break, and she knew that with Umbridge's obvious disdain of anything close to Dumbledore or half breeds, something was bound to change. She hadn't made any move to rejoin with Potter and his group of friends, simply being too busy researching Voldemort and creating her own spell, she simply didn't have time. But when the emotion explosion happened in the courtyard as Asteria walked past it, she couldn't help but seethe in anger as she watched Umbridge execute her right to remove teachers, by publicly removing Profession Trelawney, a class Asteria had barely considered attending. But it didn't change the fact that what Umbridge was doing was just cruel. The Divination teacher had been at Hogwarts for 16 years, it wasn't till both McGonagall and Dumbledore appeared to settle the issue, did Asteria moved, and listened to the retreating Umbridge who mumbled about disgusting half breeds and idiots, when Asteria decided to play a card she had been holding onto. 

"Oi! Dolores!" Asteria called out, the witch stopping abruptly, and turning to glare at her student. 

"Ms. Malfoy, I don't know who you think you are." She began but faltered as Asteria stepped up close to her. 

"I'm Asteria Malfoy, and I know all your dirty little secrets, Dolores. So I suggest you keep that in mind before you make your next move." Asteria whispered, giving her darkest, meanest smirk. "Because you should know, half-bloods who pretend to be purebloods, don't last long." She finished, before shouldering past the plump witch, who wore a shocked expression across her face and Asteria walked back to the library, giving a nod to Madam Prince, before entering the Restricted Section. 

It would happen a few months later, when she received a letter from Granger, they'd been caught, well Potter had been and he had been dragged off by Umbridge to the Headmaster's office. Asteria grew concerned with this revelation and under her disillusionment charm, slipping into the office to watch the proceedings. Upon seeing Edgecombe, a Ravenclaw student, sporting SNEAK across her face, and Umbridge, Fudge, Shacklebolt and Percy, standing around the student, while Potter stood, watching with wide eyes, Dumbledore behind his desk, McGonagall standing near him. 

"Oh, can she tell us about six months' worth of meetings?" Dumbledore asked, raising his eyebrows. "I was under the impression that she was merely reporting a meeting tonight." Asteria suddenly felt the fierce stare of Albus Dumbledore, and glanced up, brushing Potter's hand gently. She retreated and stood behind Edgecombe. 

"Imperio." She whispered, raising her wand and focusing her intent on the young student. 

"Miss. Edgecombe," Umbridge said in her high pitched voice, "Tell us how long these meetings have been going on, dear. You cant shake your head, I'm sure that won't make the spots worse. Have they been happening regularly over the last six months? Just nod or shake your head." Asteria was quick on the draw, forcing the young witch to shake her head. 

"I don't think you understood the question, did you, dear? I'm asking whether you've been going to these meetings for the past six months? You haven't you?" Umbridge tried coaxingly. But again, forcing her will, Edgecombe shook her head again. 

"What do you mean by shaking your head, dear?" Umbridge's voice began to grow angry. 

"I would have thought her meaning was quite clear," Professor McGonagall said harshly, "there have been no secret meetings for the past six months. Is that correct, Ms. Edgecombe?" Asteria let out a breath, she had never used the unforgivable before, and something was trying to force the actual truth out of the young girl's mouth, but using pure force, Edgecombe nodded. 

Umbridge seized the girl, pulling her round to face her, and shaking her very hard. A split second later, and Dumbledore was on his feet, his wand drawn; there was something about the very sight of the powerful headmaster, with his wan drawn that froze the room. He seemed furious, and Asteria prepared for a fight, ready to remove her influence from the witch. 

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