Chapter seven; the black lake?

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"Why in Merlin's name did they choose the second task to be in the Black Lake, during FEBRUARY?" Asteria nearly yelled, as paces her common room. She adjusted her Slytherin scarf and shoved her hands back into her pockets. She glanced back up at Alice, who sat in on the black chair, her legs crossed.

"I think they've all lost their minds," Alice responded in kind. "But really, back to the main topic, why'd you go to the Ball with that fourth year?" She asked again. She'd been asking for weeks now, whenever she caught up with Asteria, who would just wave her off.

"Ali, stop."

"I know Charlie was here," Alice added, pretending not to hear.

"You know I couldn't," Asteria responded, dropping into a chair near the couch.

"No, I don't know. You and Charlie are so good together." Alice added.

"And my father, the prick, would bloody well kill me." Asteria finished. And her friend just rolled her eyes. When the door to the common room opened, and Parkinson and Crabbe walked in.

"Have you seen Draco?" They immediately asked Asteria, and her eyebrow rose.


"Snape asked to speak to him and that was an hour ago, we haven't seen him since." Parkinson supplied, and Asteria looked towards the Black Lake when things finally clicked. The song from the Golden egg, the task tomorrow, something they took, more like someone.

"He'll be fine. Don't worry so much." Asteria supplied, with a shrug, and everyone looked at her. "Trust me on this, I know exactly where my brother is."

— the next morning;

Asteria stood at the dock, in between Krum and Potter, barely listening to the Headmaster. Her brother was in the Black Lake, and she had an hour to get him. But she actually had to get in the freezing water. She glanced down at her wetsuit and grumbled under breath. Potter glanced at her and shivered. But the others nearly fell into the water when the gong sounded, and they willingly jumped, all except Asteria, who pulled out her wand, and forcing barriers up, literally parted the water as she jumped, landing gracefully on the floor with a soft thud. She stalked forward and felt the eyes of the other champions, and the merpeople watch her as she walked to her brother, who was still floating in mid-air, she cut his rope and levitated him back towards the dock.

After making sure he was on the dock, she climbed using the old ladder to get herself up, before letting the water return back to normal. Still dry, she knelt near her brother, and with a quick wave of her wand, dried his robes, just as he woke. She helped him stand, dropping a blanket on him, she paid no mind to those around her, the gapping look on Karkaroff's face or the pride in Dumbledore's.

"Well, hello there, little brother." She chuckled as her brother jerked awake, clutching his throat, as he caught his breath. He glared at Snape behind her, before looking at her. 

"What happened?" Draco asked, and she smiled. 

"You were technically bait, for the second task. Don't worry, it's already been completed. We are just waiting for the other champions to complete the task as well." Asteria supplied. 

"Wait, how long did it take you?" He asked. And she shrugged her shoulders. 

"Thirteen minutes." Moody supplied, leaning near them, watching the water. While Asteria had been focused on Draco, Fleur had come back to the surface, welts along her arms and legs from grindylows, and without whoever was her reward. Krum reappeared, shaking off a half transformation, with Granger, and they waited another 15 minutes, and Potter still hadn't shown up. And it was after the hour limit, when he finally showed up, with 2 people, one of which was Weasley and the other was some dark-haired girl, and Fleur started crying, reaching for the girl. 

And the results were handed out, Asteria in the lead, getting the max amount of points, 50, on top of her 40, from the previous task, adding up to 90, Potter with 45, added to 85, Krum who got 40, added to 80, and Fleur had a wimping 25 points. Asteria and Potter were in the lead, and Karkaroff was furious. He had given both her and Krum the max amount of points the judges could, but no one else did for Krum. He stormed off, taking Krum with him, while Asteria helped her brother off the ground, and they walked back to the castle together, arm and arm. 

"You really just parted the lake?" He asked, his eyes wide with amazement. 

"Yes, Draco." She replied and chuckled. "It was a simple spell, mostly used for parting sand and mountains. I've only ever tested in on small bodies of water, like ponds. But I figured it would work, as long as I moved fast." She explained as they reached the castle. 

"Come on, let's get some coco, and warm up by the fire." He responded as he dragged her towards the dungeons, and she caught sight of Charlie, leaning against a pillar, talking with his younger brother, Fred, and George. When he saw her, he gave her a slight nod, before refocusing on his brother. 

Asteria let out a sigh as she reached the common rooms, and went and changed, putting on her comfiest pants, and curling up with her little brother on the couch, as they traded off, telling stories. And it went silent as midnight hit. 

"Dray, so who are you daydreaming about?" Asteria asked, catching her brother gazing at the fire. His head shot up, and he looked at her. 

"No-nobody." He shuddered, and she smirked. 

"Liar, but fine. Don't tell me." She responded. "And I won't tell me about the beautiful first date I went on  before I came home..." She paused dramatically and leaned forward, "With a Weasley." Draco looked at her, completely shocked. 


"Nope, not telling you squat, little brother." She added, before standing from the couch. "Actually, I'm gonna go to bed. Sleep well, Dray." She smiled and took off towards her dorm, as Draco stared after her. 

-I know its a short chapter- 

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