Chapter four; Halloween?

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October 30th, the night before Halloween, at the feast, the other schools arrived along with a bustle of Ministry employees. Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students had arrived and Asteria was late to the feast. Missing the main speech by Dumbledore as well as the entrances by the other schools. Having lost track of time in the library, due to homework, she slipped in silently and took a seat at the edge of her table. No one but Snape seemed to notice her entrance, and yet he did nothing. There were murmurings at the sight of the Goblet, and the blue flame that was sparking from the top. She gathered all she needed thanks to the gossip around the table, as students chomped down on the food. The champions had tonight, and tomorrow to put their names into the Goblet, and then the champions would be selected at the feast tomorrow night. It all sounded simple enough, she had to wait until tomorrow, as it was her birthday, but that was fine. She had gotten a letter from her father that morning, reminding her what would happen if she didn't put her name in it. At least he was aware that the likely hood of her being chosen was slim. 

As dinner ended, and she followed the student body back to their common rooms, she caught a glimpse of Moody, as he stalks after the Headmaster of Durmstung. Part of her wanted to follow but knew better than risk getting caught out after curfew. She slipped up to her dorm, casting a soft glance at her brother, who seemed engrossed in a piece of parchment. A blush had crept up his pale neck, and he tossed the letter into the fire, and shoved his hand into his pockets, before heading towards his own dorm. She quirked an eyebrow as she watched. Was he seeing somebody? Or was he simply interested in someone? Asteria shook her head and finished slipping into her dorm, and fell face first into her bed, still in her uniform. She was exhausted, the feet upon feet of an essay's from her classes and the stress from the tournament. She grumbled into her pillow, this isn't what she wanted, at all. She had to plan her entry into the tournament and make sure she was seen entering, so it got back to her father that she tried. She buried her face deeper into her pillow, kicking off her shoes. And letting sleep take over her mind, and surrendered to the darkness. 


Asteria stumbled into the classroom holding the Goblet, in her rumpled clothes and a piece of toast in her mouth. Students were surrounding the glowing circle around the Goblet. She watched as the identical Weasley boys made their attempt to enter, and nearly dropped her toast, as they were flung past her, grazing her and hitting the ground. Her eyes wide, the toast hanging from her lips, watching as their identical red hair fade into grey and long beards sprouted from their faces. They looked at each other with astonishing looks on their faces and the room was deafeningly silent. When a shocked sound exploded from her lips, and her toast dropped to the floor, and laughter bubbled out. Her knees caved, as she hit the ground, laughing at the Weasley twins, and as they stared at her, they busted out laughing as well, and it was followed by the rest of the students in the room. 

Asteria sobered up, and straightened, she threw a wink at the Weasley's and before diligently stepping over the age line and slipping a hand into her pocket, pulling out a scrap of parchment and dropping it into the Goblet as it flared to light, and died down, when the doors flew open, Asteria's gaze flew to the sound, and found her brother; her idiot, adorable little brother, holding a bouquet of flowers, a large box of expensive chocolates and a balloon, which flashed words that said "Happy Birthday, Sister!" She watched his embarrassment flash across his face before vanishing, and he stepped around the twins, who watched in surprise. 

"Asteria Dahlia Malfoy, I would just like to wish you, my lovely sister, a happy birthday." Draco flashed his best smile, bowing deeply, and holding out the gifts to her. She blushed at her brother, for the first time since she was eleven, she finally got to spend her birthday with her brother. 

"Thank you, little brother." She replied, taking the gifts, before using one hand touched his cheek, standing on the tips of her toes to press a sisterly kiss to his forehead. "Let's go get me some more toast, I dropped mine earlier." She whispered, linking her arms with his and walked back towards the Great Hall, which was now bustling with teachers and students, when the Headmaster stood.

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