Chapter nine: Unforgivable?

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"He's back!" Potter cried out, "Voldemort is back!" And suddenly people were rushing them, and as tightly as Asteria held onto Potter, someone pulled them apart.

"Potter!" Asteria called out but was forced back as her mother held onto her, too many people, too much noise. "Let go of me, Mother!" She shouted, releasing herself from her grasp, and she grabbed her wand, taking off after Potter. She nearly caught up, but paused, slipping into the shadows. She watched Moody drag Potter up the corridor, when someone grabbed her arm, she jerked around, wand ready and was shocked to see Charlie.

"Go, get Dumbledore. Something is wrong." Asteria mumbled, leaning up and kissing his cheek, and she slipped forward out of his reach, following after Potter. Keeping to the shadows, she reached the door and leaned against it, and suddenly, she jumped back, hearing the rushing footsteps, she pointed her wand at the door.

"Bombarda Maximum!" She shouted, the door blowing apart, "Expelliarmus, incarcerous" She shouted in quick succession. Keeping her wand raised, she stepped into the room, her anger barely controllable. "Who the bloody hell are you?" The man in the chair laughed.

"Oh, you think its funny?" She asked, pointing her wand to his head, "You think I can't find out?" She smirked evilly. "Legilimens!" She shouted, and felt her head fill with memories.

At first glance, she was able to tell that this man wasn't Alastor Moody. His head was jumbled, and dark, he'd been locked up in Azkaban, before being under the Imperiatus curse, before being freed by the plump man from the graveyard; this man, also cast a dark curse and the cup, put Potter's name in the Goblet, using her very suggestion. But she didn't know who he was. She felt herself being sent flying from his mind, as she hit the ground, one memory in her head, as she dropped to the ground, tossing her wand to the side, she crawled to a large trunk and flung it open, and deep in the trunk, was the real Alastor Moody, and Asteria reached around, grabbing a cloak and dropping it on the man in the trunk, before falling back against the trunk, finally alerted to Snape, McGonagall and Dumbledore, all who eyed her differently. But it was the Headmaster who kept her attention, he looked at her with pride, and she felt her heart swell. Before Potter dropped to his knees, beside her. She leaned her head back, letting herself zone in and out, as Dumbledore got the same answers out of the impostor that she had already received, except he got the name. Barty Crouch Jr.

"Well ain't that a kicker?" Asteria mumbled as Snape helped her stand, and Dumbledore did the same for Potter. They walked all the way to the infirmary laying them down on beds next to each other. Madam Pomfrey bustled over them both quickly, when the door flew open, revealing the Weasley family. Asteria sat up and stood, ignoring the healer's aggravation, and Charlie came straight for her, wrapping her into his arms. Ignoring the shocked gasps from his family, he pulled away slightly.

"You okay?" He asked, resting his head against hers, and she chuckled.

"Not even slightly, but I will be." She responded, going for honesty. And she pulled herself out of his arms, limping over to Potter.

"Why didn't you listen to me?" Potter asked, looking at her.

"Why in Merlin's name would I leave you alone to face that, by yourself?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "I don't abandon people, Potter."

"Thank you, Asteria. I probably would've died if you hadn't been there." He responded, and she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"I owed you one, kid." She responded, as the Minister bustled into the room, and she turned, expecting questions, but instead got anger, and she was taken back. He dropped the Cup down, filled to the brim with Gallons, and crossed his shoulders.

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