Chapter Nineteen; Battle?

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The first half of the battle had been fast, everyone split off and took different directions, hoping to get reconnected with everyone. But Asteria took a separate turn, and ended up in an empty room, a room that held absolute nothing. Lighting her wand she glanced around and had to roll her shoulders and focus forward to not get distracted by the ominous feeling the room left in her stomach.

"Death follows, child." A distorted female voice whispered in the dark. "To end the war you face, Death will follow, bathing your home in its crimson colors, and as you walk along the rivers of blood, you will find whom you seek. You have chosen a path of righteousness and your ancestors will forsake you, but an old name will protect you. Now go forth, my child, an embrace your best instincts."

The voice drifted off, leaving Asteria cold and trembling. Whatever it meant was going to strike her in her marrow. A light immulinated in the corner is the room, and she found an orb and was shocked. Her name played along the edges, and she grabbed it, the cold glass seeming to fuse to her hands, as she pushed herself forward and out the door, coming into a room with an archway, where Potter stood, his wand raised pointed at Lucius. The Death Eaters surrounded them, holding injured friends, and Asteria stepped forward, holding out the orb.

"That's enough, Lucius. You want a bloody prophecy, here." Asteria held her own out, and Lucius barely glanced at it as he grabbed it.

"I knew you were lying Potter."

"Don't test my patience, Lucius. Take your pathetic friends and leave us be."

"I don't think sooo." Bellatrix's harsh voice sounded over her shoulder, and suddenly sounds of apperation filled her ears and the Order of Phenoix was there, and everyone was fighting, Asteria dove forward, flinging a hex at a random Death Eater, beginning a fight, she held no reservations as she let her years in dueling flow, wordless spells flying as another Death Eater joined the battle. She took some hits as a shout sounded in her ears, throwing a powerful jinx back, she glanced around and watched as her cousin fell through the archway and vanished. Potter was being held back by Remus, and Lucius looked shocked, still clutching the orb she'd given him, the breath left her lungs in pain, as she ran forward, prepared to rush after her cousin.

"Don't, Asteria!" Remus shouted, pleaded, and she paused, fury rolling inside her as she looked at her father. Lucius flinched, and she raised her wand, noise barely made its way into her head.

"You've done this. This is on you, and your choice. First Alice and now Sirius." She wand hand shook as she pointed at him until another shout drew her attention. Potter had taken off. "That prophecy isn't Voldemort's and Potters, it's mine. You failed." She growled and took off after Potter. She skidded to a stop in front of Potter, just as Voldemort appeared. Her wand raised, as Potter clenched her shirt.

"You, I know you." His voice was low and dark.

"Asteria Malfoy, you tried to have me killed last year."

"I had forgotten, I thought Lucius had only had Draco."

"Stay the hell away from my brother." She growled, flinging a spell out. The fight began, spells flying, and Asteria was losing, but she had protected Potter, just long enough for Dumbledore to appear and take over. As Asteria faded in and out behind a boulder. She could see blood seeping out of her, and at some point, it seemed to fascinate her. Her elite pureblood as pooling under her, going to waste as it stained the floor until it was magically erased to hide the evidence from the public, but she'd remember, she'd probably have scars. What a fascinating thought, scars. Was the final thing that floated through her head as she lost consciousness.

When Asteria came to, she recognized her surroundings. Hogwarts infirmary. Her eyes were a little foggy as she glanced around. All the beds surrounding her were full, but the people right next to her bedside was what she finally focused on. Charlie sat to her left, his head on his hands, resting on her bed. Draco and Potter sat side by side to her right, her brothers head on the other boy's shoulder, fingers almost touching.

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