Chapter sixteen; Snake eyes?

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Asteria had looked into the information Dumbledore had given her about Tom, searching archives for information about the inbred Gaunt family, not that it was an easy task. Not much was recorded at Hogwarts about the ancient pureblood family. She had gathered bits, spending countless days learning all that she could. The issue was, no one had known what actually happened to Salazar Slytherin when he left Hogwarts, having vanished into the Chamber of Secrets. So her only possible bit of information was a secret place, she didn't even know where it was, or how to get to it. She rightly assumed, Salazar made it impossible for just any student to get inside it. Slytherin's weren't known for their paranoia for nothing. She sat buried in the Restricted Section, well past curfew when Madam Prince came bustling in. 

"Ms. Black." Her voice was stern, and Asteria looked up shocked, ready to bust out an excuse for being here past curfew, to hopefully avoid detention. "The headmaster needs to see you in his office, right now." She finished, stalking off the way she came. Asteria raised an eyebrow at the retreating figure, but stood, placing the book she was reading down, and started the long trek from the library to Dumbledore's office, the gargoyle already open for her, she took the steps two at a time as was her usual pace. 

"It wasn't a dream, it was real!" Potter's voice echoed down the stairwell, and Asteria slipped into the room, and looked around, taking in the state of sleepwear and winced at the fact that she still wore her normal clothes. 

"Yes." Dumbledore looked thoughtful as he stood and walked to a portrait, and spoke to it. They waited in silence as the previous headmaster disappeared, and Asteria stood in silence keeping to the back of the classroom. She didn't know what was going on at this point, and she was a bit concerned as to what it was, as she leaned against the wall beside the door, going unnoticed, by the group. Something bad had happened, or Potter just had a horrifying nightmare, however, she doubts Potter would react as such for a bad dream. Asteria took a quiet breath, running a hand through her messy hair, wishing she had brushed it this morning before heading to the library. Dumbledore straightened and spoke quietly with the portrait, and moved to another, and to, all the Weasley's obvious restraint, everyone remained silent while he spoke. And he turned, facing everyone in the room, his eyes finding her, he didn't show any indication of her presence. 

"Mr. Weasley is on his way to St. Mungo's, under intensive care. You all will be going to Sirius' and wait for news from Molly." Dumbledore supplied, grabbing something from his desk, and muttering incantations over it with his wand. "Come now, everyone get ready. We will have your things sent to you." Everyone began moving, and Asteria was the last one there and waited. Dumbledore nodded and sent everyone ahead. 

"Ms. Black, did you want to speak with me?" He asked, as everyone  vanished. 

"Do you know where the Chamber of Secrets is?" She asked, there wasn't a point in hiding behind the subject, she wanted to get to her cousin's. 

"I do not, but Mr. Potter and Mr. Ronald Weasley do know. So head on in, you can operate from here, my dear. They'll need your leveled head." He finished officially waving her off. She gave a simple flick of her wand, appearing on the front step, and slipped through the door, she rushing into the kitchen just to see Sirius handing out mugs of Butterbeer to everyone, who sat in chairs around the table. Fred and George seemed angry, and Ron just held Ginny's hand, and Potter was staring at his hands. Sirius noticed her entrance and paused. 

"Sia, you're here as well?" He asked, in confusion. 

"Sorry, I didn't come with the Portkey. I had to speak to Dumbledore alone about somethings. But I was in the office with the others, I just arrived later." Asteria supplied, taking a seat next to Potter, draping her arm along the back of Potter's chair, crossing her legs as she leaned back, fully aware she looked like she didn't have a care in the worry, the precise role she was intended on playing in this situation. She knew her cousin would play the jokster, as he did in any high tense situation unless Potter was the one in danger. No one noticed as she took a sip of her Butterbeer Sirius handed her, or the look she shared with her cousin. The silence was dark in the old house, the only sound was of their breathing, and then a loud crack, nearly causing Potter to jump out of his skin as Molly bustled into the kitchen. Asteria stood, and reached across the table nudge George's arm, who jerked awake and shoved his twin, both boys immediately getting up to hug their mother after Ron and Ginny. 

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