Chapter eight; The Maze?

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The third task was a maze, hedge's had been grown over the Quidditch pitch after the second task, and the maze itself would be filled with dangerous creatures and riddles, for each champion to face. Asteria had grown worried at this point. She was a capable witch, but even she had her limits. With her classes and stress from the tournament, she had grown irritable, she hadn't been sleeping much, and it didn't help that she was told that her mother and father were supposed to be at Hogwarts for the final task. Asteria had decided to concede during the maze, if she reached the center first, she would give the win to whoever got there second. Just to spite her father at this point. He hadn't checked in on her, or even Draco at this point. 

Asteria grumbled to herself as she caught up on defensive magic, rereading books to be prepared so she at least didn't die in the process. She knew chances were practically in her favor, Potter being 14, though luck did seem to run on his side; Krum, while capable, was a bit slow on some things, and Fleur, had never been much of a competitor, even from the beginning. She winced at the thought, the Beauxbaton champion wasn't cut out for the viciousness of this tournament and had adamantly voiced it. Asteria leaned back in her chair in the corner table of the library and let out a noise or exasperation. Alice had spent time with her, earlier in the morning, but vanished hours ago, to spend time with Fleur. Draco had snuck food into the library earlier on, making sure she had gotten some food but hadn't stuck around. 

Potter and his friends had stumbled inside and took a seat near the restricted section, but after a polite nod from Potter, he'd focused on his own studying. Granger had come by and borrowed a book from her stack with a smile. And Asteria wanted to lay down in a ball, she wanted to give up, but she wasn't allowed to show weakness. She was so tired, her body ached, her sleeping schedule was completely off, from her staying up late to keep her grades up as high as possible, she'd even been given a lecture from McGonagall about getting rest, and requesting an extension on the homework, but Asteria had blown off the Gryffindor head, with a thank you. 

Snape had taken to watching her carefully and letting her nap in his class without a word or threat of taking points or even detention. Which was the worst part, she didn't like being treated differently. Especially by the teachers, it was even worse when she heard rumors that the Weasley family were coming to stand beside Potter. Which meant Charlie would be there, and she wasn't sure how to handle that part. He had vanished after the second task, and she hadn't heard anything since, except that his brothers; Fred and George, had taken to checking up on her. Stopping by the library with tea or toast, and giving her a slight chance to clear her head on occasion. She felt Charlie's hand in it, but couldn't prove it, and was thankful that the twins only showed up when she was alone. 

She had 2 more hours left before the third task was to begin, and she dropped her head on the book in her hands. She was just so tired, but sat back up straight, and gave a wave of her wand, sending the books into their proper place, and left the library, heading towards the common room to change. She stumbled in her room, and pulled on her black skin-tight pants, a fitted black top, piling her hair on the top of her head, before sliding, and lacing up knee-high black boots, and tucking her wand into the top of the boots, stretching slightly at her appearance, and glanced into her roommates standing mirror. The shirt had been a gift, having a green 1 printed on the back and 'Malfoy' across her shoulders, in silver. Draco had given it to her for this task, and she couldn't resist wearing it, as she exited the common room, and began the walk to the Quidditch pitch, and was shocked to see her mother, looking elegant as she sat at the front, next to whom she assumed was Krum's parents. Dumbledore seemed to be talking animatedly to Karkaroff and Snape. Asteria stood next to her mother and was shocked to see her looking worried. 

"Mother, where is father?" Asteria asked, barely looking at her sitting mother. 

"He had other things to tend too." Was the only response, and Asteria resisted wringing her hands, as she glanced around. Potter was being engulfed in a hug, by a plump redheaded witch, Asteria took to be Molly Weasley. Potter looked increasing embarrassed, but the love in his green eyes was obvious. And Asteria was suddenly envious, even when she noted Charlie and his older brother, standing beside them both. 

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