Chapter fourteen; Hogs Head?

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"This is a terrible plan," Asteria grumbled walking with the Twins. It had been another week, since she had left the hospital, and while Umbridge was testing her last nerve, and her brother and Potter's ridiculous plan was being launched now, and she was stuck in the middle, while her brother and Potter where cordial in front of her; if they were in public it was harsh as usual. This insane plan to form a group of idiotic students into a decently trained group of fights was just stupid. She could understand the plan, in itself, however, that didn't mean it was laid out correctly. She slipped into the dark pub and sat down, Fred and George taking a perch on either side of her, and others filed in silently, a few just sent dark glares at her, but one literally stopped in his tracks.

"You invited a Slytherin?" He demanded, looking at Granger who grew flustered.

"Smith, watch your tone." Asteria growled in response, but didn't move.

"You can't trust them, they are all crazy, dark arts-loving murders." Smith accused, looking at her like she was worse than the dirt on his shoes. Fred and George stood and looked down at the rude Hufflepuff.

"She's more trustworthy then you, Smith." Ron replied, standing as well, and she felt a surge of something unfamiliar course through her.

"She's a Slytherin and a Malfoy! They are all death eaters!" He argued, and she placed a hand on each of the Twins, standing.

"I was sorted into Slytherin when I was 11, but I didn't stay here. I was transferred out, but my father, where I went to school in America, which doesn't have the same thing for house pride as Hogwarts does. Dumbledore had requested my resorting, but my father refused." Asteria explained, not for Smith, but for the others who didn't know her. "When I returned to Hogwarts, I was forced into participating in the Tournament, which I didn't want, I don't need fame or money, because, Smith you are right, I am a Malfoy. However, the night of the last task, I was nearly killed by Voldemort, then I watched my father grovel like a coward at his feet, and I disinherited myself from the Malfoy name." She explained and paused, taking a breath, "And in retaliation to my dishonoring everything about the Malfoy legacy, my father beat my best friend to death 2 an a half weeks ago.

"So you may not want to trust me, but trust my rage, because I am all about revenge, and my focus is solely on Lucius and Voldemort. Now if you want to pass your exams, which I've already taken, and have been professionally trained since I was 5 on dueling, then stay, if you don't want to learn what I have to teach or what Potter has to teach, then leave. But if you whisper about this meeting to anyone, you best remember, I like revenge." She finished, sitting back down. And everyone followed suit, including Smith, who grumbled under his breath, and at the end of the meeting, made the same commitment as everyone else, and signed her name at the bottom of Granger's parchment. And she exited the pub before anyone saw her struggle to catch her breath and bury the pain. She had taken to the practice of just staring at the spot in front of her, catching her breath as the pain tried to overwhelm her, but she refused to fold. She rolled her shoulders, and headed back to the castle, she just wanted to catch up on her homework before Christmas break. She was pushing her own limits, as she struggled into her common room, and set herself up with extra quills, rolls of parchment, and her textbooks, beginning her mountains of essay's while almost all her professors had been forgiving enough, with what was going on, even Snape. Umbridge has not been, not that her grade really mattered, the exam determined everything. 


It took a few days for Potter and his friends to find somewhere for them to practice, and she had followed them silently, under her disillusionment charm. It had been Potter's plan for her to arrive in such a way to showcase what she was capable of teaching, and he would use the Patronus Charm to showcase his ability. He had hoped that it would be enough for everyone to be sure and certain with the risks of this endeavor. Once everyone had trickled in, Potter stood to the front and pulled out his wand. 

"Expecto Patronum!" He shouted and a blue, wispy stag appeared, and Asteria grinned and the gasps of amazement on everyone' faces. She watch the stag as it trotted around, and came to stand next to her, and with a flick of her wand, her charm vanished, and everyone gasped as well. 

"So, Potter here produced a powerful Patronus Charm, fully corporeal, which is hard for even seasoned Auror's. And this is a disillusionment charm, which is nearly impossible to see past, I used it to sneak into Potter's trail this summer." Asteria spoke, putting her wand into the side of her boot. Now, some of you may have seen me used that charm during the First Task, last year, it is hideously complicated magic, and can be temperamental, because it relies on everyone else being distracted."

"Distracted?" Luna Lovegood spoke out, her whimsical voice reaching Asteria's ears gentle. 

"Yes, during the First Task, the dragon was distracted by the noise, and the people distracted by the dragon. It isn't an invisibility charm." She explained, and step to the side for Potter. 

"You will learn both charms during these lessons, just not today. We will start with simple things because those two are hard to do." Potter explained. "We will start with the Disarming Charm." 

"Disarming? Are you joking?" Smith spoke out, and Asteria rolled her eyes. 

"Yes. It saved my life against Voldemort during the Last Task. Sia?" He asked, looking at her and she nodded, stepping a few feet from him and pulled her wand out and pointed it at Potter. 

"Ready, Potter?" 

"Of course." He replied pointing his wand at her. This is was a demonstration, on the tide of battle. 

"Expelliarmus!" They shouted nearly together, but Asteria was just a instant faster, and Potter's hand flew out of his hand, but he caught it with his other.

"Now, in the heat of dueling or even battle, the faster draw is usually the winner. I got my spell out barely a millisecond out before Potter, but it was just enough to deem me the winner." She explained, "But also, preparation; I knew the spell coming for me, but you won't always. A lot of the time, in dueling wordless magic is necessary, as to keep your opponent on their toes." She finished, and Potter nodded in agreement. 

"Now everyone pair up and simply practice the spell. Asteria and I will make rounds and hand out pointers." He finished, and everyone bustled and began practicing. The young kids struggled, and Longbottom. 

"Longbottom, speak with clarity, you won't hurt her. You have to use your voice, don't second-guess yourself." Asteria said, patting his shoulders and giving Lovegood a smile, before continuing on. It went on like that for another hour or so, before Potter called an end to the lesson. She was only here as a more experienced helper, he was in charge, but she had authority, which was why both Potter and Draco wanted her involved. She tuned out as Potter ended the lesson, sending them all out. Leaving her in the Room of Requirement alone, as she took a deep breath. She looked around the room, and couldn't but think, how could one person become so powerful, that this was the action that had to be taken? 

Suddenly the room slightly shifted and a pile of old damaged books appeared on a table near her. She stepped closer and picked the first book up, and felt the magic coursing through the pages, she sat to the ground and opened it, revealing dangerous dark magics that she had never heard of. And she diligently began to read, her stomach and mind reeling at the information she gathered. 

When one word jumped at her, one piece of magic screamed out at her, and she realized what happened, what the truth was behind Voldemort's return. And she knew how he had accomplished it. 

"Crap." She muttered, slamming the book shut, and looking up. This was bad. 

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