Chapter three: Hogwarts?

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Asteria at in a compartment aboard the Hogwarts Express, as was trying to squish the murderous rage brewing in the pit of her stomach. Her father had let the news slip about the Tri-Wizard Tournament and had said that she was to put her name in the goblet, whether she wanted to or not. She was under no circumstance to say no; he had given her a look that told her, he would make her life even harder than he was already doing. He had locked her in her room for the remained of the summer, refusing to risk her letting something slip, but she had announced to Fudge and the Weasley's that she would be attending Hogwarts at the start of the school year, so he had to let her out. But he made it very clear, what he would do to her mother if she went against his orders. 

She leaned forward, her head in her hands as she took a delicate deep breath. She had already changed into her robes, going for the black pants instead of the skirt which the females of Hogwarts usually wore, her white button-up tucked into her black pants, and her green and silver tie was loose on her neck, and her black robe, that held the Slytherin crest was folded on the seat beside her. She wanted to go back in time, and never returned home. But the punishment would've been worse if she had made her father hunt her down. She was more than fed up with her father. Considering she was sporting a really mean couple of bruises on her back from his cane when she had thrown a book at him. 

Asteria was more than aware she was pushing his limits with her own temper. She leaned back in the empty compartment when the door flew open. Revealing three guys, all sporting red and gold ties, two of them were identical to each other and with flaming red hair, the third was sporting dark skin and a charming smile. She shut her emotions from her face instantly, and lean back, posing herself elegantly and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yes?" She muttered, not really in the mood, and her back throbbing at the pressure on it.

"Oh, sorry. we didn't realize this compartment was taken." The dark-skinned guy answered, his eyes focusing on her tie, and raised an eyebrow.

"Wait, you're Malfoy's sister from the Cup." One of the red heads answered, and Asteria looked at them, that's right.

"You are the Weasley twins, my brother's mentioned you." She responded with a smirk. And the twins hesitated, tensing up.

"Umm, yeah. Sorry." One whispered, and they backed out, leaving the compartment, and Asteria leaned forward and rested her face in her hands again.


Upon arriving at Hogwarts, Asteria felt a small bundle of nerves form in the pit of her stomach, but she shoved them deeper, tossed on her cloak, and stride out of the train with her head high, black hair tumbling down her back. She looked every part the eloquent pure blood she was expected to play. She spoke to no one as she entered the carriage and barely registered the other students inside. 

Once at the large doors of the school, her facade nearly slipped, but she straightened her shoulders and took a delicate spot at the end of the Slytherin table. She didn't really want to deal with this, the tournament would start taking names just after she turned 17, all the transferring had affected her schooling. She didn't particularly want to participate, though a chance to win that much money that was purely hers and not connected to her family was almost worth it, even though she had, over the summer, removed her 'allowance' from the family vault, opening one of her own, taking the first steps to distance herself from the Malfoy name. She wasn't the Heir, Draco was. 

That's why she had been shipped off, but here she was, back in the thick of things to what? An attempt at winning her family more glory. The chances of her getting picked were slim, and the chances of her winning, that was a different story.

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