Chapter twelve; DADA?

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The next day, Asteria sat at the front of Slytherin's table, nibbling on a piece of toast, reading the Daily Prophet, feeling a gentle rage washing over her, when Snape dropped pieces of paper in front of her, he held his usually emotionless face, even though she knew the truth, he had appearances to uphold, but there was a dark look in his eyes, and before turning he paused. A hidden flick of his wand and he bent down, drawing her full attention.

"I suggest you behave in Umbridge's class, as best you can, Ms. Black. But if you must retaliate, don't get caught, you understand?" Her eyes widened at his statement, and she nearly laughed, but nodded, and watched as he sulked away. Encouragement on retaliation against a teacher was shocking, which meant that in one night, she had already gotten on Snape's nerves. She passed the papers down the table and took in her schedule and fully understood him now.

Advance Defense -Umbridge 8 am
Advance Potions - Snape 9 am
Advance Charms - Flitwick 10 am
Advance Transfiguration - McGonagall 11 am
-Lunch- 12pm
Advance Herbology - Sprout 1 pm
History of Magic - Binns 2 pm
Advanced Arithmancy - Vector 3 pm
-Dinner- 5pm

So her first class was Umbridge, but she had a free period before dinner, which was beneficial. But nonetheless, her first and earliest class was with the Ministry's little spy, and she had to try not to kill her, luckily, it was with Gryffindor, so maybe the Twins could take some of the heat. Asteria glanced at her watch, and let out a groan, before grabbing her bag and heading to DADA, she was likely to commit murder today. She silently slid into the classroom, taking a seat in the back, and slouched down as low as she could, as others trickled in, and Umbridge made her appearance.

"Boy, Girl, everyone." Her unmistakable high voice grated on Asteria, but she didn't move, and nearly cried in desperation as Fred, the worst on the Twins took a seat next to her, and flashed his trademark grin that screamed trouble. She let her head fall onto the table with a thud on the desk.

"Come on, Sia, you know you want to sit next to me." He whispered and she looked at him.

"In all the classes, it had to be this one? I've already threatened and mocked this woman after Potter's trial, she'll be out for my blood, and you aren't gonna make it easy to blend in." Asteria replied with a sigh.

"Sia if you actually believe you blend in anywhere with your looks, you are lying to yourself." Fred responded with a shake of his head, "but if she starts trying to single you out, I've got your back." And he smiled, forcing her to smile back. Because that was just the Weasley way.

"You can all put away your wands and pull out your textbooks, you'll be reading chapter one today. Please no speaking, boys and girls." The high voice snapped both their heads up and they glanced at each other, and Fred raised his hand.

"Yes, Mr...?"

"Weasley, Professor. You mean we won't be doing any practical work?" He asked, and Asteria slid down into her seat.

"No, Mr. Weasley." Umbridge said with a sneer, "there isn't a reason for it."

"But there is a practical on the N.E.W.T exams," he countered.

"You will learn all that in your textbooks; and I advise you to raise your hand before speaking, Mr. Weasley." She sneered, and turned away, just as he was about to throw his hand up again, but Asteria stopped him, he glanced at her and she shook her head. He sighed and dropped his hand, and opened his textbook, and she followed suit. The entire class went like that, Asteria read four chapters ahead, and when the class was over she was out of the room in an instant, and after a nod, she was on her way to the dungeon for Potions, she arrived early and stepped into the dark classroom.

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