Chapter two: Weasley's, Quidditch, and Darkness?

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The Quidditch World Cup was held in a large field, and Asteria was beyond annoyed already, and they had just gotten there. She currently stood back from her family as her father chatted animatedly with the Minister. She glanced around her, and saw her brother, sneering unattractively at the group next to them. Asteria finally letting her bored eyes focus, noted the red hair and freckles on the majority of the group, Weasley's. Looking among them, she saw a young witch with frazzled hair, and a thin boy with a messy mop of black hair, and the significant lightening scar on his forehead. So this was Potter. She wasn't paying much attention to the conversation, until she heard her father's condescending tone, mocking Mr. Weasley. She could see the anger bubbling in the group, so she let out a sigh, placing an unemotional look on her face. 

"Can we get to our seats already, father? I'm bored." She said, interrupting the flow of conversation, and her father shot her a glare. She shrugged and shoved her hands into the pocket of her black jeans. She had enjoyed, frustrating her father earlier, coming down in her black muggle clothing, refusing to get all dressed up for a Quidditch game. Her black hair was pulled into a loose bun, and she glanced at the others, who gaped at her. "I apologize, Minister, Mr. Weasley. My father seems to have forgotten his manners." Asteria stepped forward, maneuvering around the groups. 

"I am Asteria Malfoy. The eldest Malfoy." She said, placing her best dazzling smile, causing Fudge to laugh, and Arthur to just stare. 

"Your father has mentioned you, you've been attending Illverymore, the school in America, correct?" Fudge asked, going for a polite small talk. 

"Yes, you do seem to spend a large amount of time with my father, Minister." She said, looking at him with accusatory eyes, "And yes, Illverymore, but I'll be returning to Hogwarts for my final two years." Fudge seemed to be stunned, still by her earlier statement, but she had heard a cough to cover laughter from the Weasley's group. 

"And Mr. Weasley, I've heard many things about you and your family," she supplied, turning to face the group, "It is a pleasure to finally meet you and the others who have given my spoiled brother such a hard time. She said with a laugh, before turning to face her very angry father, amused mother, and offended brother. "Now, father, may we get to our seats, it looks like the match is ready to begin." She began to walk away, towards where their seats were, giving no room for arguments. 


The match had been beautifully played, even Asteria had taken note, even though she wasn't a big Quidditch fan. She laid in her bed in the tent, when the noises started. Shouts and screams, her father had been precariously missing for a few hours, and her mother was suddenly up and worried. Draco looked on worried, so Asteria stood, tossing an arm over his shoulder, and casually leaning on him. 

"There are men in clocks out there?" Draco whispered, darting away from the tent flap, Asteria stood, and glanced outside, noting the black clocks and skeletal masks and felt a deep surge of anger, and she walked back, tossing an arm over Draco's shoulders. 

"No need to worry, little brother." She said, glancing at her mother, whose eyes seem to bore into her soul, "Father's out there, you are safe." And her mother's eyes widened, and a hand covered her mother. 

"What are you talking about, Sia?" He asked, looking at her. 

"Don't pretend ignorance, Dray, you know what I'm talking about. Now let's get away from here, so no one makes any assumptions. If anyone ever asks, Mother. Father never left the tent." She whispered, dragging her brother out of the tent, and holding his hand as she broke out into a run. It only took them a moment to reach the line of the woods, and she had to skid to a stop to avoid plowing into a small group, she barely recognized the group, but her brother did. And his Malfoy exterior came out to play. 

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