Chapter 9

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~Nalah's POV 

The ride was silent after we started moving. Hardly anyone had said a word after we rescued Lauren and three more people were killed today. We were still heading to Baltimore but it looked like it was going to take longer than we thought. Alex smacked the driving wheel and swore in frustration. 

"What's wrong?" Maggie asked. 

"We're out of gas." He muttered, pulling over to the side of the highway and turning off the engine. 

"Are you being serious?" Rian huffed. 

"We can't stay here! We're exposed!" Jack exclaimed. 

"Well, we have no other choice do we? We can't go and get gas now, it's going to get dark, we don't know where the nearest gas station is!" Alex shouted.

"Guys, shut up!" Zack hissed.

"Right, we'll push the VW over there." I said pointing to a field that was on a small hill where we could see for a few miles in every direction and it was enough to be hidden.

"We'll take turns watching out in twos on the roof whilst the rest of us sleep in the VW. If any walkers get too close,  we'll kill them SILENTLY. When it's dawn, a few of us will go and find a gas station to get fuel and extra so this doesn't happen. Alright?" I asked. Everyone thought over what I'd said for a few seconds before nodding and agreeing. 

"Alright, so who's going with who?" Lauren asked.

"I'll go with Lauren." Jack said.

"Rian and I will go together." Alex said.

"I'll look after Lucy, she's too young to do this." Maggie said, looking at me for confirmation. I nodded at her then stared at Zack.

"Well, looks like it's you and me." I said to him.

"I'm fine with that." He said and gave me a small smile.

"Alright, when it's dark, we'll start watches then. Be located on the roof. Alert someone in the VW if a walker gets close and kill it silently. We don't know how many could be nearby and hear loud noises. The last thing we need is a repeat of what happened on the highway." I said to everyone.

"What happened on the highway?" Lauren asked Jack.

"Long story short, a whole herd of them just shuffled onto the highway and we had to hide under the vehicles and keep quiet to not get killed." Jack replied.

"We never did discuss what the hell that was." Rian said.

"Fuck knows what it was, but it was scary." Alex said, shivering at the thought.

"I wonder why they were doing that." Zack said.

"What do you mean?" Maggie asked.

"They were all together heading in one direction. Why? What were they heading to?" Zack had a good point, it was weird seeing that many go in the same direction at the same time.

"Alright, who's taking the first watch when it gets dark?" I asked.

"We'll do it." Jack volunteered, which earned a look from Lauren.

"Alright, great." I said.

"Guys, zeke." Lauren said, pointing to the right.

"What's a zeke?" Jack asked, looking confused.

"It's what I call them things, like you calling them walkers." She replied.

"I got it." Rian said, pulling out his hunting knife. The walker snarled and snapped her jaw at him, shuffling closer and moving her decomposing arms, flexing her fingers, grabbing at thin air.

The Zombie Apocalypse (Zack Merrick/All Time Low)Where stories live. Discover now