Chapter 6

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~Nalah's POV

One hour since we nearly got caught by walkers. One hour since Dallas died. 55 minutes since Dixon killed himself. Were we handling it well? No. Zack, Rian and I were searching the highway for Harley, who had run off after we found Dixon and Dallas dead. Jack had found a VW that was usable, Maggie was helping Jack fix it up and Alex & Lucy were putting supplies in the vehicles.

"Do you think he'll be fine?" Zack said as he held his hunting rifle close to him.

"I hope so. Even if they weren't with us for long, it's still really sad that they went that way." I say and we fall silent again.

"Where do you think he went?" Rian asked us.

"God knows. He could be anywhere right now." Zack said. As we walked down the highway, we were looking in the abandoned vehicles to see if there was anything worthy to scavenge. Dead and undead people were in the cars. The dead were slowly rotting and numerous flies buzzed around their face. The undead were growling at us, moving their arms about to try and grab us. I sigh and we continue moving. It was slowly starting to get dark and we were really vulnerable, being out here. It was bad enough that we were searching for a runaway, it didn't help that we didn't know if he was dead or alive.

"Do you think it was a suicide thing?" Zack suddenly said. Rian and I stare at Zach, confused.

"What do you mean?" Rian asks.

"Harley suddenly ran off, he didn't even grab weapons or supplies, he just took off."

"He was upset, maybe he wanted some time to himself."

"If he wanted time to himself, we would've ran inside one of the vehicles." I see what Zach was getting at. What if it was a suicide thing? Even though Harley was devastated, I'm sure he wouldn't do that.

"What was that?" I say as I hear a twig snap.

"Probably just a wild animal." Rian said, shrugging it off.

"Ri, we're surviving in a world full of the undead. You sure that it may just be a wild animal?" Zack asked. Rian looked at us for a few seconds before sighing and tightening his grip around his hunting knife. We walked over slowly to where I heard the noise. I raise my sword and Zack aims as we turn the corner. Zack yells as a walker lunges towards him, knocking him to the ground.

"Zack, duck your head!" I yell. Zack nods and ducks his head whilst keeping the snapping zombie at bay. I swing my sword and slice the zombie's head off. I offer my hand out to Zack, and he takes it. I help him up and Rian looks at me shocked.

"Nice going. You're pretty good at this." Rian said.

"Thanks." I said as I flicked my sword, flicking off the zombie blood.

Guys." We turn to face Zack, who's crouching by the walker's head. We crouch down too and recognise who it is.

"I think it was a suicide mission." I said, observing Harley's head.

"He hasn't even been missing a hour, it shows you convert pretty quickly." Rian said, observing Harley's body. Rian lifted Harley's shirtshowing an obvious bite mark on Harley's stomach.

"He didn't convert that long ago, the bite mark's pretty fresh." Rian said. We nod and start heading back to our group. Loud growling stops us and we look up. About two dozen walkers were making their way back up the highway, towards us.

"Shit." Zack said.

"We need to go, now!" I yell. The three of us start running up the highway, hoping that we get back to our group before it's too late.

~Jack's POV

Nalah, Zack and Rian had gone out searching for Harley, who had run off after we found Dallas and Dixon dead. They had been gone for almost half an hour. I had found a VW that can be used, Maggie's filling the VW with fuel that Rian siphoned earlier and Alex & Lucy are transferring the equipment from the Range Rover and campervan to the VW. The VW was a bit bigger than it averagely is and it is comfortable for 7 people, 8 if Harley is found.

"Do you think Harley's alright?" Maggie asked as she continued filling the VW with fuel.

"I think he might be but I'm not really sure." I say. I was sitting in the driving seat, tapping the steering wheel, waiting for the signal to stat driving. Alex and Lucy had finished transferring the equipment, Maggie had filled the fuel tank and we were now loitering outside the VW. I hear snarling from the distance and I snap my head round to see Zack, Nalah and Rian running away from more than 20 zombies.

"Jack, start the engine!" Alex yells. I put the keys in the ignition and turn on the engine. I spin the VW round so as soon as Nalah, Zack and Rian reach us, we can drive away. Rian was the first one to reach us. He climbed in the back. Zack arrived at the VW and turned to see Nalah get knocked down my a fast moving zombie. He instantly runs over to her, shoots it in the head, helps Nalah up and they run to the VW. I hear a thud and the door closing. I slam my foot on the gas pedal and I drive away.

~Nalah's POV

That was another one of the most terrifying things I've ever experienced. I thought that I was a goner but Zack saved me. We collapsed into the van and Alex slammed the door. I fell in first and Zack had fallen on top of me. We were both panting, trying to get our breath back from running and having a near death experience.

"Thanks for saving me." I pant.

"No problem." Zack says and gets off me. He helps me into a sitting position and I look out the window, watching as the zombies that were chasing us moan and groan as we drive away from them.

"It's pretty spacious in here." I comment as I get comfortable. Lucy huddles into me and I hold her. We all sit in silence as Jack drives down the highway.

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