Thank you(again)||-Coffeemarais

10.2K 184 63

{I said most of this on my live,
But it's time I put it into words on
here, and let's not talk about me crying okay?😂❤️}

Hello my dudes, yes it's time again, where I get deep with you again, where you learn more about me and my story, and for the millionth time I say thank you.

When I last wrote one, this book was at 44k, and now here we are, 231k strong and only growing.

Today I hit 1k on wattpad, and to me it's a much bigger deal than anyone would think it would be.

Everyday I get messages and comments, telling me y'all care for me, telling me I made your day, telling me you like my work, and every day I become more and more thankful for each and every one of you as we grow.

I once got a comment from a girl, she started off by telling me about a boy who had stood on a table in her lunchroom early in the morning and said he was going to light himself on fire(lucky he was stopped by teachers And administration) but it had effected her greatly. She then went on to tell me that my books help her, they make her able to get to bed without a nightmare, that they changed her mood slightly, they made her feel a little okay again.

No one will ever have any idea how much that one comment changed my life.

Guys, I am the girl who misses school because she can't get out of bed, The girl who goes a few days without a shower or even social interaction because everything is too much and she can't move. I'm the girl who still has nightmares about her past and has anxiety about everything.

So when people tell me, that I'm the reason they got out of bed today, I'm the reason they got through a tough day, my works help them, when people tell me that they are like me, and I help them,

It makes me realize that I was meant to be on this earth, after years of feeling like I had no purpose.

You have all changed my life in every way possible.

And I'm so fucking thankful for all of you.

I love each and every one of you so much💛

Y'all are my sunflowers, my dudes, family(:

Thank you for reading my work, supporting me, not just as a writer but as a human who deals with a lot.

Most importantly?

thank you for believing in me.

This is still very much only the beginning❤️

Someone said I was dedicated to what I do(writing)
But I told them they were wrong,
I'm dedicated to you guys,

Fight for what you believe in,
Love yourself,
Pick positive out of negative(always)
Jam out to Disney channel original movie songs,
Be apart of the hoodie squad,
always believe in yourself,
And please take care of yourselves,

I Love you my dude💛

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