Chapter 9: Utau's Concert

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"You guys look so adorable. It's like you're in a romantic drama," Utau said cheerfully. Once they both realized who it was, they both let go of each other's grasp.

"U-Utau, it's not like that! I SWEAR!" Amu squealed, waving her hands in front of her. Ikuto sighed and placed the violin back in it's case.

"You're so cute, Amu. But you can't hide it," She said, pinching her cheeks.

"So we're performing here?" Ikuto asked, with his hands in his jean pockets.

"Yup! I wanted it to be in a more common area," She answered, walking past him and standing on the platform. Amu clapped her hands in the air and jumped up in the air.

"I can't wait to see it live again!" Ikuto found Amu's fan girling, cute. On second thought, he wondered if any guys came to see his sister perform.  Her security guards were setting the stage while Utau was on her phone, calling her band to come over. Amu lent a helping hand to help set up, no matter how much the guards persisted. Once Amu finished connecting the last of the cables, she glanced over at Ikuto who was in the middle of amplifying his violin.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot! Big Brother!" Utau ran over to Ikuto and handed him an expensive pair of shades. Ikuto scrunched his face as he looked down at them. "It'll make you look cooler. No complaints," She demanded, patting his head before walking away. He groaned as he put them on. Amu couldn't help but stare in awe. The sunglasses made him even look hotter than before. She could've stared at him the whole day, until he turned to look at her with a smirk. Amu immediately looked away, trying really hard not to blush.

They both suddenly noticed a group of boys in dark clothing coming towards Utau with their instruments. They were the rest of the band members that have been touring around the world with her.

"Thank god you guys remembered! I know it wasn't supposed to be on the itinerary but this is my hometown so-" Utau began.

"It's fine. We're available anytime this week," One of the guys answered. The rest of them nodded.

"Thanks guys! You're the best!" She turned over to see Ikuto and Amu standing there, confused. "I would like you all to meet Ikuto, my brother. He'll be accompanying us today," The guys waved at him, as Ikuto awkwardly waved back. "And this is a good friend of mine, Amu. She'll be our main audience,"

"Hi!" Amu said cheerfully. The boys smiled at her in a way that got on Ikuto's nerves. Utau pressed her hands together and took a deep breath.

"Alright. Are we ready to do this?" She asked them. They nodded assuringly. Ikuto and the boys got their instruments and waited for her signal. They were all on the stage ready to perform while Amu stood right in front of the stage, cheering them on. Utau smiled at her and closed her eyes before starting.

"5,6,7,8!" (Think of any song that she sang in the anime). No matter how many times Amu heard the songs, she loved them even more when she saw her dear friend perform them.

She stood there in awe as they sang and played their hearts away. What caught her eye especially was Ikuto. She was so used to him playing mellow dramatic, slow pieces that she found it almost impossible for him to play in a rock like style. His intense violin skills blew her off the roof. She could almost hear her heart beat in unison with the drums.

"Woah, they're really good,"

"Oh my gee! Is that Hoshina Utau!?"

"Who is she?"

"She's an amazing artist! I think she's on tour right now,"

"Free concert from Utau! WOOT WOOT!"

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