Chapter 5 - Safehouse Number One

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 Chapter 5 – Safehouse Number One

An hour later Mia seemed to realize something. Well, actually she realized she didn’t know something.

“What exactly is happening? Who are we running from, why do they want you, and why the Foxface can you drive?”

I took a deep breath and pulled over. Conveniently, there was a smoothie store, an icecream shop and a park. Grabbing a smoothie for Mia and I, I sat on a park bench.

“I don’t know how much I can tell you, Mizzie. I don’t want you to be hunted and have information to give them; I’m exhausted. But I’ll go with what I can.”

“I was in the FBI when I was six, and then when I was ten, I was excused, and then he deserted and turned evil. I don’t know why, but he wants me. And now he wants you guys too.”

“How did your parents not find out?”

“They were told I was attending a school for the Intellectually Gifted.”

She nodded and was about to speak.

“SH. What’s that?”

Someone was creeping up on the girls.

“Lara, Emma, time to go,” I said, using the nicknames we had already decided on. They ran over, and we bundled into the car.

“Drive,” Mia said. I slammed my foot down and sped off. Luckily the sinister looking guy didn’t chase us; my nerves were shot and could not have taken a high-speed car chase.  

Four and a half horrible hours later, I parked in the driveway of a medium sized suburban townhouse.

“Everybody out. Finally.”

It was nine am, so when I kicked in the window and found a key hanging up inside, and let everyone in, I found food, put it on the counter and some in my face, mumbled something incoherent to the others (sounded like “Imma gu sleep stay ageter don die bye” probably meant to be “I’m gonna go sleep, stay together, don’t die, bye!”) and crashed in the first bedroom I found.

A measly two hours later I punched at whoever was trying to wake me up; ducking, they roundhouse kicked me in the rib and succeeded in forcing me off the bed.

“Becky Becky Becky Becky Becky Becky Becky Becky Becky,” the person said.

“Mmf okay okay I’m up, stop it!” Standing up, I saw Mia grinning.

“I should’ve known. I hate you, Johnson,” I scowled.

“Go die in a hole, King,” she replied sweetly. We burst out laughing as we reached the lounge room.

“So the girls have explored, and there are four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a cat house that is missing a cat, and three TVs.”

“Cool, a room each!” Weighing up the possible risk, I decided that this safehouse would be fairly secure, so we could risk sleeping alone.

“So anyway, why in the name of all that is One Direction did you wake me up?”

“It’s lunchtime, and then we won’t have much food left, so we need security when we go shopping.”

“Right. So what do we have for food now?”

She opened a cupboard, as we were now in the kitchen.

“Oh.” We put all the food on the kitchen table; from the fridge and the cupboard.

There was some pasta, three tomatoes, Nutella, Milo, some herb things, Weet-Bix, milk, bread, honey, cheese, teabags, coffee, a bottled Neapolitan sauce type of thing, biscuits, an onion, icecream, tuna and some mince.

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