Chapter 7 - Home

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Chapter 7 – Home and Cars

Arriving home, I was met by a tired Mia and a sleeping El. Lily was in the bath.

“Miz,” I whimpered. She held me for a minute, and then pulled back.

“You have to tell me the whole story, right now. I deserve to know, and I am really confused.”

“Mia, please,” I whispered. “I can’t just now. I am shattered, my nerves are shot and I don’t even remember the whole Dalmationed story, okay? I will tell you. Just not now.”

She sighed, but chose being a good friend over knowing everything. “Fine. Do you wanna look at the clothes?”

 “No, just pick out an outfit for me. We have to leave early, I am going to go check on the new car. Get some sleep.”

In the car were new keys, a new phone and another note. The car itself was a bomb. The worst looking thing I had ever seen, even worse than the ute my parents had when I was younger, until my brother crashed it when he was drunk and 15.  

Bex, I read from the note I found.

When you reach the next safehouse, there will be used cars and a new one. Hide this with the others, and of course switch. DO NOT USE THIS PHONE. Keep your old one. When you arrive at the next place, smash it immediately.

More contact shall be made when you reach the safehouse.


Slamming the car door shut, I made frustrated noise and marched inside. I was not in the mood for anybody, so I stalked into a bedroom and threw myself on the bed.

Changing into pyjamas, I set my alarm for one am and fell into a restless sleep

I raised the gun and pointed it at the child tied to the wall. She screamed and raised her head, and I noticed the face – it was my own baby sister. Lily looked at me and my hands trembled as I trained the weapon on her head.

“Shoot on three,” a voice said. I looked over and there was a guy. “One.”


“Look girlie, we caught you. And Mr Leo wants you dead. So either you kill the kid and then I kill you, or she can watch you be tortured and killed, and then die herself. Your choice.”

I blinked back tears. “Lily,” I whispered. I knew what I had to do, but it killed me to do that. I could not let my sister go through seeing whatever they would do to me; I had to kill her first.


“Lily, baby I am so sorry, I love you so much.”

As the man counted to three, I squeezed my eyes shut to try stop the tears leaking. On three, I squeezed my finger on the trigger, too.

When suddenly Mia came out of nowhere and crash tackled me to the ground.

“Ouch!” I hit the floor with a thump.

“Becky, you were having a nightmare,” she said. I blinked sleepily.

“So I was. Mia – we can’t get caught. I know it was just a dream, but if reality will be anywhere near as bad, then we would be better off dead. Literally.”

“Bex, calm down. They won’t catch us. Now it is ten pm and I want to get some sleep.”

“Mia,” I mumbled. “Stay with me?”

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