Chapter 12 - Finding HEaven

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Chapter 12 – Finding Heaven

Ten minutes later I heard yelling.

So, being a nosey person, I went into the kitchen and found Mia attacking Harry.

“Mia! Stop! Shoosh! What the devil is going on here?” (A/N: comment if you read that like Snape does in AVPM! Those who don’t get it, watch A Very Potter Musical on YouTube)

“He tried to take my lollipops!” she snarled. I dragged her off of him.

“That is not a good enough reason to try murder him!”

“You wouldn’t think so if it was Coke or chocolate coffee beans,” she mumbled.

Yeah, I kind of am addicted to caffeine the way she is addicted to lollipops, in particular Coca Cola and chocolate coated coffee beans. I had not had enough since we left home.

“But that’s different,” I protested.


“I don’t know, it just is. Look, Mia don’t murder Harry; Harry, ask Mia next time.” I tossed him an Allen’s lollipop and a coffee bean and went back to my room.

Three hours later I stumbled out of my room to find Harry and Mia sitting on the island in the kitchen (one of those counter things, I think they’re called islands…) eating Chupa Chups. And watching Peppa Pig on the TV.

“Uh, hi?” I said. Mia turned around and knocked over a mug of tea. “Miz!”

“Oops,” she said, jumping from the island. She cleaned it up while I opened the fridge. I pulled out a bottle of Coca Cola and some coffee beans; pouring myself a glass, I chugged it and had another.

“So why are you awake? I thought I said to get some sleep,” I scolded. They shrugged and Mia pointed at Harry, who was still on the island.

“This idiot woke me up because he wanted a lollipop.”

“Because you would have murdered me/him otherwise,” Harry and I answered. Harry was protesting and I was almost laughing.

“And why are you watching Peppa Pig?”

“Because it’s a good show.”

I shrugged; they were right.

“Um, Becky? When can we find Angel?”

“In the morning we can scout around a bit for her Heaven?”

He raised an eyebrow, managing to look creepily like Angel.

“Like haven, but she’s an Angel, so it’s Heaven. Let me have my joke,” I explained. He shrugged and turned back to Peppa.

“We have to go soon,” I said. “Harry, down.”

“No.” Huh?

“Harold Edward Styles, get down right now,” I said. “Before I make you.”

“Please, I lived with Angel. You couldn’t make me,” he scoffed. Feeling cocky hey?

 I karate chopped him directly in the thigh; he groaned and fell from the counter, holding his leg.

“Angel never did that,” he grumbled.  

“Okay. Now get your junk, we’re out of here in ten minutes,” I told him. “I’m going to go wake the girls; if you aren’t up when I get up, I will make you.”

What? I am not good on no sleep.

I woke Lily and El (giving and receiving death threats) and was on my way back to the kitchen.

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