Lame Nine Night

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Am currently at my cousin's nine night but yet still here I am seated in his room bored as hell.

I am so bored that not even words can tell.And to make matters worse I can't get any signal on my phone.

Aunty Kerry Ann lives in Macca Tree St.Catherine and his son Tomoy died nine days ago,he was shot by gun men. I've never really seeing him in person,but although I don't really know him I felt heartbroken.Aunty Kerry doesn't really have anybody otherwise than her son who is now on ice waiting to be buried and her mother, little sister and her friends.

The nine night is lame to me and there isn't any girl my age group here, correction there isn't any girl here at all ,every female here is an adult.

One thing I can say is that I'm hungry.

When the soup finally finish cooking, I had two cups,but I was still feeling a little hungry.

It was around after ten in the night and I went back down by Aunty Kerry's house and started to take off my clothes.I changed into my extra clothe that I had brought with me.It was a red and white stripe sports shorts and a black sleeve blouse.

I put my phone to charge and then just lay down on the bed and snuggle up under this nice red,yellow and orange big polka dots comfort.I layed there for around four minutes before I fell into a deep soundless sleep.I guess I was really tired.


I woke up this morning to the sound of people talking.Couple of them had already woke up and were busy talking or cleaning up.

I washed my face and was greeted with a big bowl of soup.

After finishing my soup I spread the bed and folded a couple sheets.

Around after eleven Aunty Kerry's mom and sister left and twenty three minutes later Aunty Kerry's boyfriend left as well,leaving only me,Aunty Kerry,my mom,my brother  and our step father Shane.


Am kinda sad that am not going to any school today,but I guess I just have to cope.No training,no school work,no teacher,no friends,no communication,wow that's a lot for me to handle.

I tried to get my mind off things by watching a couple of movies and guess what it worked.First I watch a Madea play and then I watched another Madea play then Alvin and the Chipmunks(shipwreck).

Its three thirty four p.m. now and am so bored Richie(he's my first brother and sometimes,correction he's always a pain in the neck) put in this really boring movie and he isn't even watching it


Am currently walking up and down the stairs that is the entrance to Aunty Kerry's house.

Note: Its about forty eight steps since her house is in the middle of a hill.Yeah the middle.

Anyways am walking up and down on the steps while listening some Alkaline music and am currently listening Afterall.

Note:Alkaline is my favorite singer.

Well am waiting on them to get ready or more likely Aunty Kerry.Its now six twenty one and I know for a fact that Youth Fellowship tonight is going to have to do without me since its gonna start in nine minutes and its gonna take a hour and a half before I actually reach home.

To make matters worse Richie is getting signal on his phone and am not.My peoples they must be worried I can't even imagine the amount of notifications I'll be getting once I get signal on my phone.

If you're wondering am wearing a blue tight jeans pants with cut up designs on the legs, a black and white stripe spaghetti blouse and a black airmax.With that goes a black and white adidas watch,my hair is done up in one with bird nest at the end,a pair of black nub earing,white earphone,black and white pulka dot phone case and a black matie bag.

We're ready....great.

Which just makes me just realize ,there will only be three of  us going home since Mommy and Aunty Kerry work in Spanish Town they're going to just stop there and me, Shane and Richie is going to take another bus and go to Linstead.


We're currently in a bus right now and we're about half a mile away from Aunty Kerry's house when my phone signal came back to life I gaps at the sight and then a slight frown came on my face.There's so much notifications and text messages to reply to.

Lol we're in this mini bus and am seated at the back with mommy to my left, Richie beside her and a random guy beside him and a little girl beside me with her sister in her lap,well I assume that she's his sister I don't know.Shane is in the middle row of the mini bus and Aunty Kerry is at the front.

Am lost in my own little world listening to some Alkaline music.

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