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"Am sorry I didn't tell you that I was coming over"her face looked so apologetic but I didn't get it.What is roch doing here at after four in the evening?She seems to read my mind because what she did next was answer my question."I came over here because I really need somebody to talk to and you're my sister and I feel more comfortable with you"she broke down in tears,I went and sat  beside her and hold her in my arms while running my hands through her hair while she cried on my shoulders.

"Hun you know you can always talk to me about anything okay.So just let it all out."I said to her in the softest voice I can find and she just nod her head before  she started to explain to me.

"Its Shaun we broke up"she then broke down into another pile of tears, I did the same thing as before and when she was calm again I asked her why they broke up.She said that she broke up with him Friday at school because she saw him after second session coming out of the males bathroom then a girl left after him.she said that she asked him about it  and he denied it by lying so she just had to break up with him.

"Look Roch I know Shaun use to be a player,but I don't think that nothing went on between him and that girl.It was obvious that you didn't ask him for an explanation,because thats how you stay,you always jump to conclusions Roch so I think what you need to do is hear him out before you do jump to conclusions"I didn't know if shaun did anything with the girl or not but I do know that he deserves to explain his self to Roch.

"Why do you always say the right thing?"Roch said jokingly while wiping away the tears from her face.

I gave her a smile of assurance and then pulled her into a warm hug,I could feel her smiling,I'm just glad she's no longer crying.

"Hey you wanna join us for dinner?"I asked her after pulling away from the hug.

"No it's getting late and I should get going"she said sadly and I could tell that she didn't wanna leave.

"Okay just give me a couple minutes to get dressed"I hadn't put on any clothe from I left the bathroom and I didn't really notice until now.

"Yeah right"roch said while letting out a small laugh.

I took out a grey sweat suit and then went inside the bathroom to get dressed.

I came out back, did my hair into a ponytail,slid on my house slippers and grab my keys.

"Ahm....You should go and wash your face"I said to roch and pointed towards the bathroom door.

"Mommy am gonna drop Roch off at her house I'll be back in no time"I said the last part to try and convince her that I'll be okay.

"Okay but be safe on the road and no stopping to idle"she said looking at both of us with raised eyebrow.

"Okay mom."With that we left the living room and headed towards the garage.

I looked at my baby and sighed at how beautiful she looks.She's a dark blue BMW and she doesn't consist of a scratch on her.Inside is neat and clean,I like her aroma its just sweet.

"Hey.Wanna drive?" I asked roch while waving the key up in the air.Roch knows how to drive,she even has her driver's licence ,but she doesn't own a car as yet.

"Uh sure"her face lit up and I gave her the key and slide onto the passenger's seat.

Since Roch house was about an eight minutes drive from my home it didn't take much long for us to reach.I hugged her goodbye and then drove back home.

I had popchow and rice for dinner. After dinner,I went up in my room and started to pack my things for school tomorrow.

Every Monday we wear school uniform.Tuesday we wear jeans and our school blouse.Wednesday its our P.E.gears,club uniform and or our sports uniform .Thursday and Fridays we wear anything we wanna wear.

Our uniform is sky blue plain uniform with white uniform blouse,white sock,black shoe and black lace.Our new principal is really strict,uniform must be four inches below the knee but mine is like two inches below the knee and its really tight.

After I had finish ironing,it was eight o'seven in the night so I decided to just surf the internet.

And I then kinda regretted doing so.

There were so many text messages on WhatsApp and messenger.Facebook notifications and a lot more other stuff,that made me remember that I hadn't really been online from Thursday.

I went to my Facebook notifications and realized that Tafarie sent me a friend request.Before accepting his friend request I went and scroll through his page.I was contemplating whether to accept it or not and then I just decided to accept it.

I have ten thousand four hundred and two friends on Facebook and I don't just accept friend request from anybody I have actually know you before I do accept it.

I surf the internet a little longer and then I feel my eyes getting heavy so I decided that its time I go to bed.

I turned off my laptop, put my phone on charge,did a couple of pushups ,and abbs workout then brushed my teeth.

I took my white teddy bear and hugged it until I fell asleep.

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