The Talk

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Lexi's POV:

We're currently seated on the grass at the centre of our field,all of us are waiting on Mr.Weller to begin his speech and by the look on his face I can tell its not something good.

He had informed us that every single member of our track and field team should attend training today and if you were absent you'd be punished.So everybody did turn up.

Our team consists of around two hundred and eighteen students.

"Bent can you mark the register for me please?"Bent obliged and started to mark the register.

"You heard our principal this morning.At the starting of September when she first announced that every student who's average is below 95% will be expelled from the school.I took it as my responsibility to tutor the one's who's on the school's track and field team and their average is below the pass mark and some of you guys are only wasting my time.There are two hundred and eighteen of you on this team and in September one hundred and twelve of you average was below the pass mark.Now I'm going to call your names and those of you names that I call its an indication that your average is still below the pass mark."he opened a book looking like a register or a mark book.

"I am going to call your name then your average and as soon you hear your name I need you to stand."

"Cario Williams 70"Cario is Bent's best friend and he's also my friend.

"Shereka Moulton 86"Shereka is Bent's girlfriend,the thing is she only takes up space on this team I think the only reason she joins our team is to get Bent's attention and to show off her sexiness.Reason I say this is because when she comes to training all she does is talk and do any other thing otherwise than train.

"Elechio Thorpe 52"he's in eleventh grade and he's a really good sprinter.

"Macbeen Green 92"well he's my friend and he's a DJ.

"Raquel Hard 93"she's a slut,she just join our team like two weeks ago and she had already thrown herself at half the boys on our team.She's friend with Shereka.Also I can't stand her and neither does most of the boys.Well atleast she has the brain.

"Owen Saunders 22"yeah he's definitely getting kick,he has never attended any of coaches tutoring classes he doesn't even care if he gets kicked.He deal drugs but only three of us on the team knows.

"Shaun Wilson 93"I've been helping him sometimes on the weekends or after training to get his grade up.It was at 80 and his music teacher has been helping and he has being attending Mr.Weller's tutoring classes.

"Omario Johnson 89"he can do much better than that he's just lazy.

"Javid McCoy 90"Javid comes from a really rich family and he use to say that grades are the least and now he has to be worrying about getting his grades to 95 or above.Sometimes I wonder if he's gay although he isn't.He's close friend with Shanelle.

"Leon Francis 71"he's in eleventh grade and he likes me but the thing is I don't.I just don't see him in that way.

"Crissy Glanville 87"she's in grade eight,she's a distance runner like myself and most of the time we train together.

"Sophia Jenkins 90"she's just like crissy grade eight distance runner only difference is that Crissy is more serious with track and field than Sophia.Most of us on the team call her Sophie or Mosquito because she's really really slim.

"Romain Gabbidon 94" he was my crush in grade seven otherwise than Bent,he like me as well he even thought we had a thing going on between each othno longer have a crush on him.

"Brendeka Brown 68"she's a school whore,her current boyfriend is this twenty five year old guy who they call  Ganja which isn't his right name.

"As for the rest of you keep up the good work and the ones who I've just called come with me.Lexi you're responsible for the girls.Bent you're responsible for the boys.The males will work in the gym today and the females on the field."and with that he left with the long list of students.

We can't manage to lose fourteen members from our team.

"Sprinters run around the field for fifteen minutes and distance runners thirty minutes,then stretch for ten minutes Shereka you will lead us in stretching,Bobbi-Sue you're responsible for the hurdlers,Kelsie you're responsible for the long and high jumpers,Dafney you're for the new comers and I'll take the distance runners.Each group has thirty minutes each and today we're focusing mostly on our muscles and abdominal workouts.Felan lead us in jogging and I don't want anybody in front of Felan.This isn't a race its jogging.You may begin now.

We jogged around the field for fifteen minutes then the sprinters stop jogging and headed over towards the center of the field to stretch and we the distance runners jogged for another fifteen minutes.

I looked behind me to see how they were doing,"Crissy spit the gum out of you mouth,Sophia speed up your pace a bit,Sashay lift your knees higher than that."

After we had finish jogging we stretched for ten minutes.

"Seven hundred abdominals,three hundred pushups,one hundred and fifty squats and after that we're going to do some ordinary workout"

"How are we going to do so many abs?Lexi not everyone of us are strong and healthy like you,you know"Raquel said.

"If you can't do those simple things then you should think of quitting this team"I said to her truthfully.

"We'll be doing them in groups fifty each thirty seconds rest then fifty again.Each of you find a partner then you can start, Crissy you're with me."


Training had finish and I am currently in the shower room taking a quick wash off.I pull my hair out so its flowing down on my shoulder.After showering i wrapped my body in a white towel then headed for my  locker,(The girls shower and locker room  was in the same room.)

I put on my clothes that I wore to school and did my hair up in one.I applied my deodorant and moisturized my skin.I tucked my dirty clothes and my wet towel in my duffle bag and then went and sit on one of the benches to tie my shoe lace.

"Hey Lexi can you give me a lift home my mom is in an emergency?"Nicole asked  me and I look up on her only to see that she's crying.

"Sure,just give me two mins"
I rushed over to the men's locker room and hugged  Shaun goodbye then hurried back over to the female's locker room.

I grabbed my things and then I rushed out with Nicole behind me.

I opened the door and jumped in my car Nicole came in after.

I've dropped her off at her house a lot of times after training so I knew where she lives.

I parked the car and Nicole rushed out.When I reached inside she was taking her mom up from off the ground, then she placed her on the nearest couch.

"Mommy?Mommy?Mommy say something please."she broke down in complete tears.

"Nic I think we need to carry your mom to the hospital"she started to panic and she definitely was gonna freak me out if I didn't get away from her soon.

I took her mother up and carried her to the car Nicole opened the back door and slide in and I place her mom in the car Nicole held her mom's head in her lap.I started the engine and drove off.

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