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Six minutes later and Tafarie reappear in the males shower room just when I was finish cleaning it.

"So?How was it?"

"Just as you predicted.That girl is weird as hell."he pointed to the arts room to try and prove his point.

"Not everybody does your charm work on baby love"I said teasingly while heading back to where my bag was and tafarie followed behind me.

"Yeah right"he said pointing at me before plopping himself down on one of the chairs.

"Anyways there's this concert  keeping at my previous school tomorrow evening and I was wondering if you wanna come and we could maybe go there together."

I saw the Billboard this morning on my way here but I don't know maybe or maybe not.Well it wouldn't hurt if I go.

"Yah sure"I said as if it was no problem at all.

Tafarie pulped his eyes out to show that he was shocked"Yah as in you're coming with me?"he asked.

"Hey am not that bad,if you get to know me then you would know that I'm actually a really nice person and I'm not always mean."Which is the truth am only mean to guys and people  who are mean to me.

"Okay since we both have training we can leave after training together"he said suggestively.

"Yah no prob"


"Anyways what's your motive for lunch today?"

"The usual"he answered.

"Okay then you're going to have to abandon your bimbos today"

"Ouch"he said while showing that he's hurt.

"Eleven fifteen meet me at Lopsters And Sea Food Restaurant in the parking lot.Two minutes late and am coming back to school."

"O...kay.may I ask what for?"

"Tutoring you have course"I said in a duh tone.

"You continue surprising me huh"

I checked my phone and it was twenty two minutes befor the bell ring."I should get change so see you later."

He nod his head and then left the room.

I took a quick shower and changed back into my original clothes.I locked the P.E. room door and then headed upstairs for my form room.

The bell rang just in time when I reached inside.

Miss Waldron wasn't here since she never really come to registration.Britney our class monitor took the register and then we had devotion.

Devotion was lit as always,our class devotion always has vibze since our class has more vibze than the other grade nine classes.

After devotion we catch up with our friends while we waited on Señor Perry to come to class.

"Chazae I need you to come shopping with me Thursday,we're going to buy things for the sleepover"

"Kool"she said with a thumbs up.

"So what's the motive for roch birthday?"Shanelle asked out of nowhere.

"Her mom is planning a surprise party for her again and her grandfather is buying her a car bitches!!"I said excitingly.Everybody started to awww.

"Well I was thinking that we could flour her in bed before she wakes"Ruth said suggestively.

"Yah good one Ruthy,"Chazae said"I'm taking her to the Spa"

"I'm bringing her to see the last Twilight then Bowling"Janolle said.

"Well I'm just bringing her shopping"Shanelle said.

"I'm bringing her to Skate Land,Fun In The Sun,Haunted Temple and Jewelry shopping"

"Haunted Temple,I went there last summer and I swear to god it was lit.Good choice Lexi"Shanelle said.

"I wonder what Shaun's motive for his wife's birthday?"Chazae asked while smirking.

Señor Perry walked in so we decided to finish discussing Roch's birthday plan another time.

"Buenos dìas clase"A voice that I've come to love said.

Señor Perry use to be a soldier but now he's a teacher of a lot of subjects.He can speak practically every language and he is pretty much good at it.He's a very fun teacher and he like girl students more than boys.Us girls seems to get away with a lot of things,but he's really strict on boys.

If the class doesn't feel like doing any work we would just challenge Señor Perry to do something amd being the person he is he's going to wanna prove that he's gonna win so he's going to accept our challenge.some of the challenges are arm wrestling,staring contest,and many more.

We stand up and said good morning then take a seat.

"Clear your desk.The only thing that should be on your desk is your equipments for your pop quiz"

Yaayy I love Spanish pop quizzes.

I cleared my desk and took out three pens,a ruler and a whiteout since that's all I'll be needing.

"Thorpe come and help me hand out these please."he calls me by my last name and I went up and collected the papers and hand them out.

"Since this is a single session you won't get much time.There are thirty questions you have fifteen minutes to finish you may  begin."

I read through the instructions first then I started my quiz.Upon reaching number twenty four I got confused as to where to put the tilde for a word so I skipped that question and went on with my quiz.

Two minutes was left and I went back to number twenty four.

I remember that we got a group work and we made up a song about tildes and I remembered where the tilde must go so I write in my answer just in time before Señor Perry said times up.

"Kino,Janolle and Kendra  collect the papers for me please."They did as they were told then they handed the papers to Señor Perry  and he share the papers among the three and said"Give each person a paper,but ensure that nobody gets back their own paper.Students take out your red ink pens and let's mark these papers."

I got Shanile Brown(The leader of the plastics in our class)paper to mark and Señor Perry told us the correct answers and we marked the papers.

When we were finish we count up the total score and Shanile got six out of thirty.

I got 30
Shanelle 15
Janolle 29
Chazae 25

Shawonda who is Shanelle's friend got two and everybody laughed at her.

That's what you get when you idle and Shanelle could have gotten a better grade if she wasn't wasting her time with Shawonda during test time.

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