More Shopping

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We left Layless, throw all our shopping bags at the back of the car and headed for another store.We arrived at MK Mart couple minutes later and I think here's  where the real shopping starts.

"Omg"I screamed at the sight in front of me and everybody's eyes were on me"What you never see a piece of clothing that you o so love? "With that being said everybody turned back to doing what they were doing and Shanelle came running to my side.

"Omg omg omg is that really what it is?"Shanelle was way more excited than I am.

"Ofc it is, wow the latest Michael Kors high waist jean"I replied with a high five.

We decided to buy three jeans each and I bought a blue one with small cuts going across the jeans , a black plain one and a white one that has a lip on each knee part of the pants.

Shanelle decided on a grey one in the same design as my blue one,a red one as my black one and a white one similar to my white one only difference is that instead of lips on hers she had hello kitties.

We continue clothe shopping a little until we decided to go to the jewelry section.

I bought a gold MK watch,a black one,a blue one,and a pale red one.I also bought a couple earrings,bracelets,necklaces and chains.

Just when I was paying for my last jewelry I saw this chain,it was gold but that's not what caught my eyes it labeled BFF on one chain and another labeled 4L.I got Shanelle's attention and showed her the chains.she was awestruck,yeah that was the same expression I had too.

We bought them and I decided that I wanted the one that says 4L and she took the one that says BFF.

We went to a couple more stores and bought a couple more things.We were heading out of Montego Bay, when my eyes spotted this sport store and most of the things at the window was on sale"Hey Shan can you pull over at that sport store over there?"I asked her pointing to the store,still not taking my eyes off it.

"Sure"She pulled over and we went inside the store and it's odd because I've never been here before.

A tall,slim,brown lady that I guess is working here asked us if we needed any help and I just nodded my head"It's strange that I've never seeing this store before"I said to the lady and she just looked at me with a reassure smile on her face.

"That's because we just open,we started this store two days ago"Oh that makes sense.

"Oh okay kool,I'll be more than glad to support you"I gave her a reassuring smile and made my way to the back of the store because  the shoes are normally at the back.

I bought a black and white sport shoe and Shanelle bought me a sport shoe that has blue on it along with another lime green color.I bought couple more things like sports bra,towels,socks and I even bought two pairs of socks one for Bent and another for Shaun I decided on the red for Bent since that's his fav colour and blue for Shaun cause like me blue is his favorite colour.I paid for everything and promised the lady that I'll come back again.

The back seat was too pack so we put the rest of our shopping bags in the trunk and headed home.

When we reached Linstead I stopped at Scotia Bank ABM and withdrew money so I could use it as pocket money.Although I'm still a teenager I learn to save and am independent so I don't always depend on my parents for money.My Dad never haves money and my Mom's job doesn't pay enough,but I'm a designer and I comb hair for cash.So I would normally take my pay and save it or buy things that I really want.I have four bank accounts one at Scotia bank,JN bank,Credit Union and Victoria Mutual.

After leaving the bank we headed home and by the time we had reached home it was after nine in the night.

I exited the car taking with me some of my luggage to my room and Shan followed behind me with some and we had to make two trips before we finally unloaded the car with my share of shopping bags.I hugged her goodnight and watch as she drove off,then I made my way to my room.

I was so tired that I didn't bother to unpack my shopping stuff.I change into one of my night suits,headed downstairs and made myself a cup of tea and  reheated my dinner in the microwave and sat down and eat in silence.

Mommy had already left for work and Shane is probably out with his friends because he's not here and Richie is in his room busy playing video games.

I headed back upstairs,brushed my teeth,put my phone on the charger,shove my clothes and shopping bags including everything else that was one the bed to one side of the bed.I took my teddy and went straight to sleep.

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