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Shanelle's P.O.V:

"Girl you look like a mess and everybody knows that you don't do sports,so you better get cleaned up before somebody actually have it to say that you just do something." Shawonda said while she hands me my bag and stuff.

We went into the girls bathroom and luckily there wasn't anyone in here.

I just feel so guilty I mean the sex was good but I feel like I'm betraying Lexi.

She may not know this but she means a lot to me and I wish I could tell her everything but I know if I do she's gonna have all kind of names to call me and all of that so I prefer things stay the way they are now.

I clean up my body and fix my clothe properly.
With one more look in the glass I turn around and exited the bathroom.

I was so excited to have sex with Elechio but now I'm just disappointed in myself.

I can't believe I did something so stupid. Lexi is so gonna hate me for this.

And if anybody finds out am doomed.

We walked to the parking lot and then I went in my car and Shawonda sat up front with me.

The car ride was silent neither of us said a word which I appreciated since I needed space and time to think.

I drop her off at her house then I drove myself home.

I parked inside the garage then went upstairs in my room.

Nothing is better than listening some music in a time like this so I turn on my bum box and loud Alkaline songs blast through my room.

I took a nice long bath,then went on my bed to lay down which is where I fell asleep.

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