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I hate Religious Education. I'm just not a fan of the subject.Ms.Hennise gave us a project which is due today so I made my way to my locker to collect my project,but what caught my eyes is Shanelle talking to Elechio.

Elechio is an eleventh grader,he's on our track and field team.He's a player but he also has a girlfriend whose in tenth grade and our group call his girlfriend 'TOUGHEISHA' because she's really really tough.

Anyways I grabbed my binder and my laptop and head back upstairs before Ms.Hennise could beat me to it.

I got settled in the my usual seat at the back of the class,then I started to look over my project.

Each row got a religion to research upon and I got the Muslim's religion.

I had to say it took me two entire days to research,rewrite,type  and print over forty four pages of research.


We had another thirty minutes with Ms.Hennise,she gave us work on the board to keep us busy while she was busy marking our projects.

I finish my work so I went up to Ms Hennise and ask her if I could help her mark the register since she's all booked up and she said yes.

While marking the register I realized that Shanelle didn't answer for her name so Ms.Hennise got alerted.

"Is Shanelle at school today?"she asked while scanning the class.The class answered yes "Then why isn't she here? Is she at the nurse or something?"

"No mam"Kazane answered.

"When she come back tell her to see me in Staff Room 1 immediately after lunch."

The students started to make comments mostly that she's going to get punished.

Of course she'll be punish both by Ms.Hennise and our form teacher Ms.Waldron if she doesn't have a good explanation.

Ms.Hennise called our names and we collected our projects and hand in our class work at the same time.

"Those of you who didn't do their projects,I'm giving you until Thursday morning at 7:50 no later no earlier and I will be deducting 20 marks from it aswell.

I got a 100% on my project,just as I had expected.

The bell rings signifying the end of R.E. class,so I went downstairs to use the bathroom before science class.

I stepped in the bathroom and there wasn't much students in here which I was grateful of.

As I was about to make entrance into one of the bathroom,Shanelle stepped out of one.

I pulled her around the corner of the bathroom where the girls would normally shower after P.E. Class.I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow at her.

"So?"I asked in a very rude tone,because I was pissed at the fact that she skulled class.

"So what?"she asked trying to play all innocent and all,and she knows better than that,that I don't buy her bullshit.

"So where were you for the entire Religious Education class?"

"Nurse"she said while rolling her eyes.

"You're not fooling me Shanelle Ms.Hennise called the nurse and she said you came by saying you're on your menses so she gave you some painkillers and you weren't even there for ten minutes.So where were you? You know what save it cause I swear to god you're in big trouble.Good luck with lying to Ms.Hennise and Ms.Waldron"I didn't even feel like using the bathroom anymore  so I headed straight for my science class.

Normally for science I would just grab a chair and sit upfront at Ms.Powell's desk.

"Good morning Miss"I said while taking a seat beside her.

"Good morning Sweetie"she said while turning another page of her book.

"So what are we doing today?Maybe some pop quiz or class quiz."

"Since it's one single session I was going to allow you guys to watch a video on how electric bulbs work."she said to the class

She got up and set up the necessary equipments need for us to watch the video.

Everybody gathered around so they could see and i just took out my laptop and asked Ms Powell for the name of the video which she kindly give me.

I plugged in my earpiece and watch the video while the other watch it on the tv that Ms Powell provided.

She stopped here and there to point out a few key points and write them down in my book so i can use them when I'm studying.

The bell rang signifying lunch so we didn't get to watch the entire video so Ms Powell said that we can go home and watch it,which she gave them the name of yhe video.

"next class our topic will be electric bulbs so you guys can go home and read up on it so you'd be even more prepared for next class.

She dismissed the class and i hugged my friends goodbye and tell Chazae to tell the other that i won't be on campus for lunch.

I went to my locker and unpack all my books inside and then i took out my Spanish book,Spanish dictionary and my science text book,I've decided to do some reading while I'm tutoring Tafarie and finish watching the video.

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