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"Bye guys,See you at lunch"we're currently in the first hallway at our school our usual spot.we all said our goodbyes to shaun and Rochelle and headed for our separate classes.

Me,Shanelle,ruth,Chazae and Janolle are in the same form class which is 9¹ and roch is in 9³ and shaun is in 10TEC.

Our first class was English Literature and our subject teacher is Ms.Moorhouse.

We're reading Escape to Last Man Peak,I've read that book four times the first day we started reading it.

I was way ahead of my teacher,I wrote summary of each chapter and summary of the entire story,I even characterized each and every character in the story.I know how these literature teachers teach and I always try to be five steps ahead of them.

"Okay students we only have one session today which is thirty minutes,we're going to use half of the session and finish reading the rest of chapters four and after you finish reading that you're going to choose either to write a summary of the conflicts in chapter four or a summary of chapter four itself."

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I have an entire free session so I handed in my work.Ms.Moorhouse was shocked at the fact that I handed in my work two minutes after she finish talking.LOL she always is.

"You know Lexi sometimes I wonder if you have power hiding or something.I don't know,but you always get above 98% on Literature but you've barely been in class.What's your secret young lady?"Ms.Moorhouse asked pointing her pen at me.

"There's no secret its just called being prepared for whatever the teacher throws at me"I stated while she handed my book back to me.

"Hmmm" was all she said and I took that as a cue that our conversation was finished so I took my bag and exited her class.

I've never spent more than twelve minutes in Ms.Moorhouse's class except for the two first days of her class.

I always hand in my work and since I have nothing else to do I would ask her for permission to leave her class but now its been a usual thing I no longer ask for permission.

I headed downstairs to the P.E. Room and there wasn't anybody down there so I sat on one of the exercise benches amd I spent the time and surf the internet on my laptop.

Three minutes before the session ends I headed back upstairs to lit class.

"For you assignment I want you all read chapters five and six and write about the main theme in each chapter.This will be graded to add up to your SBA grade"Lucky me because I've already done that.


French class was a pain in the neck as always.Practically every student in our class hates our French teacher Ms.Davy.She is just so ugh.

She doesn't cares about students file she give you detention,conduct mark and demerits for every and anything.The slightest thing you do just be prepared for it.

She gave me detention once for simply pronouncing a word wrong and guess what I didn't even attend it.Since attending high school I've gotten around four detentions already and I simply paid some random girl to sign and sit the detention for me instead of me going in the detention room myself.

And you know the good thing about it,detention never appears on any of my report cards.

My average for French is 84.6 and I kinda blame it on Ms.Davy,the time she took punishing students she should have been busy teaching us French.

The two sessions for French class went by in a blur and it was soon time for social studies class.


We were placed in groups of fives.And I ended up having me,Shanelle,Shawonda,Candice,and Javid in my group and it was a nightmare.

We were suppose to act a skit on Jamaican Politics,which we were given seven minutes to prepare the skit and five minutes to act it.It is a single session and we were the third group to act.

I was really pissed because during the seven minutes all they did was talk about irrelevant things like Twilight and Vampire Diaries and when I try to get their attentions they completely ignored me like what the fuck this is neither the time nor place to be gossiping about a frigging movie for crying out loud.

Two minutes was left and I asked Ms.McKay if I could switch to another group and guess what she said no.

Luckily group two spent more time than they should have and the bell rang signifying lunch, so Ms.McKay gave the rest of the groups until next class to do their skits.

Save by the bell ah.

I was pissed damn well pissed at them if the bell didn't ring then we would've gotten zero better yet I would've gotten zero and I've never gotten a zero before.

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