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I spent the last hour and a half praying and hoping that she'd be alive.Here I am seated on one of the waiting chairs at Cornwall Regional Hospital with my Aunt Natalee beside me.

I hate hospitals,I hate the scent,the sick people,the weak,the dead its all so wrong.Whenever someone visit the hospital its all because something bad had happen.

"Ahem"A man's rough voice alarmed me and I held my head up only to see that it's the doctor.

"Doctor is everything alright?Is she alright?Is she going to be okay?"Aunty Natalee keep asking questions upon questions.

"I'm afraid I have bad news"she broke down in tears and I held her in my small arms while she cry.

"What's the bad news doctor?"I asked him.Even if it was bad news I still wanted to hear it,I mean it can't be that bad.Right?

"The accident was a huge one and a piece of metal split her brain,and we lost her during surgery.There was nothing much we could do.Am sorry for your lost."I sat there and cry over and over again,I just can't believe  that I lost somebody close to me again.

I'm just so tired of losing the people I love I'm tired of it.

I didn't even get to tell her goodbye.She died so young I couldn't imagine she dying  at age nine.

Everything we planned for our future its gone.cammalita i love you and you just had to leave me why?


Nicole's mother has been in  surgery for over an hour now and no news from any of the doctors.

All we've been doing is waiting.Nicole had called her grandmother which looked way too young to be a grandma,she looks like she's in her early fifties.Maybe she's one of those moms who got pregnant during her teens like my mom.

I fell asleep from boredom and was soon awoken by a female's voice.

I rubbed my eyes then open them fully.It was a nurse, damn for a nurse she looks more like a slut.No offense.Her uniform was really tight,showing all her curves and it made her butt look etra big.Her uniform was extra small and extra tight.

"Nicole Payne"she said.

"That's me"Nicole answered while standing up.Her grandmother and I stand up as well."So what's the news?"

"The news is she fell from somewhere high maybe the stairs,I don't know."

"Yeah thats where I found her,right below the staircase"Nicole interrupted.

"Yes as I was saying,well there isn't much good news from what I'm about to say"Nicole and her grandmother started to cry, me on the other was thanking god that she's alive.when the doctor says'there isn't much good news' that means she's alive but there are consequences.

"The damage is that she broke three of her ribs along with her left hand."

Atleast she still has her memories.

"She's awake now so you can go and see her"she said pointing to Nicole's mom's  door.

We headed into her small room and there she lay looking all helpless and tired.

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