Shopping With Shan

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Last night when I reached home I just put down my luggage and went back on a the road to buy something to eat.I bought a small chips and headed home,but on my way I stopped at Ms.Iva's shop for a bit.(Ms.Iva is my friend,I guess she's in her early forty and she owns a shop in our community.)

It looks like the community members or should I say men really did miss me for the one day I was absent,because they wouldn't stop waving at me and acting all excited like they've seeing somebody famous or something.They reacted as if I had gone to a foreign country.These men here are so ahhh.

Well after I told Ms.Iva my goodbye and went home I placed a random Jamaican play in the DVD and I watched it until I fell asleep.


I was so tired last night that I didn't bother to reply to any of my text messages.

Today is Saturday and that means work for me.

I decided that since today is Saturday I'm gonna make breakfast, so I woke up, took a shower, brush my teeth, etc.After I had finish doing everything I went straight to making breakfast.

The first thing I did was hot a kettle with some water.I mixed sugar with flour and fried sugar dumplings.I had also streamed Cabbage to eat with whatever we're going to eat,I made a couple pancakes aswell.

After I had finish doing all of that, I share out everybody's breakfast and I added two slices of bread to each person's plate.

We finished eating and doing the dishes around after ten in the morning.I cleaned the room and then took another shower because I was sweating all over and I didn't feel clean at all.I went to doing my laundry and I use my hand for laundry work so it took me an entire two hours  to actually wash,rinse and heng out my clothes.

"Mommy"I was getting a little hungry now and these people don't look like they're hungry at all.

"Yes hun"mommy was watching Nineteen Two and I know that I am annoying her.The way she answered me, it was obvious that she wasn't planning on having a convo right now.

"Ahm Mommy what's for lunch?"My stomach chooses to groan at that moment and I was grateful for it cause atleast it prove my point that I was hungry.

"Ahm I don't know,look after anything you want and just leave some for your brother that when he comes he can get something to eat aswell."

I nod my head and headed for the kitchen.

I made pancakes,boiled egg for myself and fried eggs for everybody else,boiled Frankfurters for myself and fried ones for them,fried plantain and hamlet.

I mixed lemonade for them to drink and blend melon for me to drink.(I only drink homemade blended fruit drink.)

After everything was finished I washed the dirty equipments that I had used and begin to dish out the foods.

"Hmmm.Atleast you can do something "My brother stepped in the kitchen and took a piece of the hamlet and trow it in his mouth without even asking for my permission to take anything.

"Okay then,can you get out now"I said rolling my eyes and shooing him out and he just took up one of the Frankfurters and smirk at me then turn and left the kitchen.

"Ahhh!You're just so ahhhh!"I rolled my eyes at him and went back to doing what I was doing.

"Lunch is ready!" I shouted after placing plates of my cooking and cups of drinks on the table.

I took a seat on one of the chairs and before I could take another breathe Richie came rushing in the dining room.

"Oh somebody is hungry"I said to ruchie and he jammed into the food.

Mommy and Shane came after and started to eat their lunch as well,but it didn't take long for us to start a conversation and then the usual talking and laughing followed.I laughed so hard that one of the time I nearly choke on my own food.

We talked and had such a good time, after a while we started to have individual conversations.Shane went back in playing his subway surfering, Richie started playing minecraft, I tucked my earphone in ny ears and started listening to some Vanessa Bling while reading a story on Wattpadd and Mommy of course went back to sleep.


It was after two in the evening and shanelle and I had planned that we were going clothe shopping.So I took a quick shower which was sad cause it only lasted  for fifteen minutes and I like staying in the shower for a hour or half sometimes.

I wrapped my hair in one towel, my body in another one, stepped out of the bathroom and made my way to my closet.Since Shanelle said we're leaving at three o'clock, I know I didn't have much time to get ready, so I really need to get ready quick.

I got dressed in a white tight jeans pant, a white mireana blouse and a white converse to match it.I went to my drawer and started with my jewelry which was a small white beaded chain which I got as a birthday gift from my classmate Kazane.To go with that I chose a white pair of erring and a small white watch.

I'm not a fan of makeup, so i just rub my lips with a red lipstick and leave it at that.

After i had finished doing all of that I did my hair into two and leaving the end into the bird nest style.

Amen get the boy out a me life amen.brand new...

Amen by Vanessa bling was playing which was my ringtone so I rushed over to my phone which was on the bed and I hurriedly answered it without checking the ID of the caller "Isha speaking how may I help..."I was being cut off by the one and only Shanelle.

"Girl am one minutes away from your house so drag your ass out of the house or else am leaving you behind"

"Fine am coming geeze "I took my perse and checked if I had everything in it and then I double checked my self in the mirror and I looked stunning.

I locked my room door and then headed downstairs where Mommy was plotted down on one of the sofas watching Every Witch Way.

"Bye Mom"I kissed her on the cheek and then left.I walked out of the house and was greeted by Shanelle's hug ,she nearly knocked me over."Shan I miss you too"I said while withdrawing myself from the hug.

"Yeah yeah watev.Come on we should get going before it's too late"Shanelle said heading towards the car, I grabbed her key from her and she looked at me confusingly.

"Oh am driving"I said before opening the driver's door to her beautiful silver Mark X and started the engine.Most of the times we exchange cars and drive so its nothing new to us.

"Fine but I wanna drive on our way back home"She got in the car as well and put in a CD and Alkaline music blasted through the entire car and I drove off.

The entire car ride to Montego Bay was filled with music and us singing along to each and every song."Payless here I come"I parked the car to the nearest free spot that was nearer to the entrance of Payless and then turned off the engine grabbed my purse, then exited the car along with Shanelle.

I throw her the key then went over to her side of the car.She was wearing a green gold pant with a black blouse with sleeves,black nike airmax.Her hair was done up into one and a bun at the top,she has on these gold erring that matches her pants and a gold watch"Omg girl you look breath taking" and it was the truth she did look breath taking.

"Thanks,but you look way better than me"she replied with a genuine smile on her face.

"Okay kool"I took her hands in mine as we made an entrance to Payless.

After all the fuss was finished we rechecked all our things and went to pay for everything.So now that the footwear is covered we clearly do have a lot more shopping to do.

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