Can't Sleep

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Life is unfair,climbing up the ladder only gets harder.

Everybody sees me smiling and thinks that I'm okay well I'm not.I'm brave and strong on the outside but on the inside I'm tearing apart.

I'm thinking why not be a teenager for once why not live in changes.I mean change can be good right.

Every teenage girl make mistakes and now it's my turn to make them.I need to wake up and face reality and stop being so overprotective of myself.

I woke up after one this morning and I haven't slept since.I tried everything to go back to sleep,I tried just laying down,listening music,    watching TV,reading,everything and I couldn't go back to sleep.

I decided to call Shan and I got her at the third ring."Hi Shan it's me,I can't sleep."

"I'm sorry hun,what's the problem"she asked.

"I don't know,I guess I just need someone you know?"

"Oh hun you know I'm always here if you ever need someone to talk to."

We talked on the phone for over an hour until we decided to heng up and get some sleep for school tomorrow or should I say today.

I fell asleep after three and I woke up four thirty when the alarm went off.

I felt like just staying in bed all day.I am so tired I haven't gotten enough sleep since I went to my bed after eleven last night and woke up after one this morning.

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