Thinking About Her

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Tafarie's POV:

All throughout history class I couldn't stop thinking about her,I kept replaying our conversation in my head.I can't seem to forget that beautiful smile of hers.there's just something about her,something different and I'm eager to find out what it is.

"Hey bro"Mario said from beside me.

He's my best friend from birth and we live right next to each other.

"Yeah man"

"So what did Lexi call you for?"he asked while writing down his phone number to some chick beside him.

"Yah that is something to talk about"I said while leaning back in my chair and putting my hands behind the back of my head.

"What do you mean by that"he turned his attention on me fully now and was waiting on me to explain everything to him.

"She invited me to a sleepover at her house."

"When's that?"he asked.

"Friday evening to Sunday morning"

"So you have an entire weekend with her,man you're 🍀lucky"he fist punched the air.

"Yeah I sure am,oh before I forget,she gave me this paper to write a list of things that I'm allergic to or what I don't eat."I took the paper out of my top pocket and I didn't realize her address was on the paper up until just now.

Mario and I started to think of all the things I don't eat since I'm not allergic to anything and the only thing we came up with was this chips called onion curls.


The rest of the class went by in such a buzz and soon it was the end of school.

I headed for my locker and put my books in it then took out the paper which I had put in there when I had used my locker before my last class.

I copied her address to my phone then I headed for the physical education room which so happen to be downstairs.Since I'm in tenth grade I'm on the fifth floor.

Upon reaching the P.E. door I saw Shaun,"Hey man can you call...."he started to shout before I could say anything else.

"Lexi the love of your life is here"she headed towards the door and pushed Shaun in a playful manner.

"Shaun!he is so not"Shaun nudged her shoulder and then left us to be alone.

She then stepped outside and I could see her even more clearly now.She was wearing a blue long legged ankle tights and a white sport bra and a matching shoe.

"Ahm am not allergic to anything and I eat practically everything,so there's only one thing on my list"I gave her the list and she let out a small grin.

"I don't eat onion curls either so that just makes two of us."

"Okay good"

"Yeah,you should get going football training starts in four minutes and we wouldn't want the captain to be late"

"Yah bye"

"Hasta luego"is all she said before she turned and headed back inside the P.E.Room.

Wow I gotta get her to tutor me for Spanish since I'm failing it.

I have up until next week to get my average up or else this school is kicking me out.Good thing I'm getting some help from some of my friends and a couple girls along with my coach.

And if you're wondering my average is 53.1,it was 88.5  when I first got here,but over time I lost focus in my school work and  my grades started to drop along with my school work.

Luckily I was on time for training.

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