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"This morning as our host we'll be having a group of friends that all of you guys know,please do give your undivided attention"Mr.Radney introduced us and we made our way unto the platform.

The crowd started to applaud and scream,they were overreacting it's not a frigging concert its a devotion a frigging devotion.That's what happens when you're popular.

"Quiet down,quiet down students"After several attempts of trying to calm down over three thousand students,Mr.Radney finally got the crowd silent.

"Good morning William Knibb!"Shaun shouted through the microphone and the crowd shouted back a big good morning.

We were all given a microphone each"Before we start anything,I would like everybody to bow their heads for prayer"they did as they were told and I started to pray.

"Amen"I prayed for about seven minutes then I decided to close the prayer.

Shaun,Ruth and Chazae lead us in singing and we were behind them clapping and singing along to the songs.Their songs were so vibzy the children who normally was busy talking with their friends was now busy singing,clasping and dancing to songs we were singing.

After about forty minutes of singing,we finally ended the singing and went into the next round which was entertainment.

We always try to make the crowd feel entertained instead of wanting to go to sleep.So we decided to act a small skit on the Good Samaritan.

Laughters were booming off the auditorium's wall,the skit went well and I was happy for that.

After acting the skit I told the crowd the thought of the day then explained what it meant.People were actually paying attention because students put up their hands and asked a couple of questions.

Roch read a verse from Psalms and Janolle read three verses from Exodus.

We ended the devotion with another prayer then exited the platform.

"Thank you guys thank you.Its always a blessing to have you guys as our host,Isn't that right students?"Mr.Radney shouted through the microphone at the crowd and the crowd shout a big YES.

Everyone was so happy this morning and they were all participating in devotion and I wish every morning would be like this.

"I'd like to invite our principal to the platform"

Miss Jackson made her way to the platform and waited for the crowd to be silent.

"Good morning William Knibb"she said calmly.

"Good morning Miss Jackson" the crowd answered.

"I can see that some of you students have improved but you all is going to need to work harder.I'm giving all of you whose average is below 95% two weeks to get it up to 95% or else you'd be kicked out of this Academy.I think I give you all two much time now,I've been making this clear from September morning and now it is the first week of October and only few of you choose to improve.whosoever average is below the pass mark which is 95% you're banned from every extra curriculum activity at school until you get your grades up back."

The students started to whine and beg for mercy but Ms.Jackson isn't the type of principal to show pity on anyone.Last week she had a teacher suspended because she skipped work two days in a row without having a good explanation.

My average is 98.3 so I don't really have anything to worry about.Ms.Jackson wasn't joking when she said whosoever average doesn't reach where its suppose to reach by the second week of October to get their average up and I have to say am a bit worried about some of my friends.

"Next week Friday we'll be having a prefect concert put on by our prefects.It will be held in this auditorium starting after lunch and ending four thirty in the evening.The cost for one ticket is ($150) one hundred and fifty dollars.Two guest will be there which are Prince Pine and the City Dancers..."

Screams screams screams that's all that could be heard screams.The teachers tried to calm the students down which took them over four minutes in doing so.

"Last week Wednesday our basketball players played against Druid Academy and we came out successful so I'd like you to give them a round of applause for that"The crowd started to applaud our basketball team.We've been winning for the past twenty two years and we still are.

"That will be all for now have a good day and be at your best behavior and students please to walk on the left."

We turned around in our lines and waited on our form teachers to give us the go ahead to leave.

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