Part 1

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Madhu excitedly runs to Sultan's room and without even bothering to knock she opens it. "CONGRATULATIONS!!!!" she screams excitedly. Sultan turns to look at her sound happily and smiles "You are back?" "Did you think I would miss your wedding for anything in the world?" Madhu asks him as she hugged him. "I thought you would spend your summer with your friends." "Who asked you to go see the girl without me? And decided to marry her without asking me?" Madhu asks. "I missed you." He replies smiling sweetly at her, and informs her "And between you and me, Trishna and I've been together for 3 years." "WHAT?" Madhu asks shocked. "Yup. No one knows except you and him." "He knows?" Madhu asks in a whisper. "Is there anything that I don't know?" RK asks leaning against the door. "RISHU!" Madhu says happily as she ran towards him to hug him. "So the prodigal daughter returns... huh?" he asks. "Prodigal daughter?" Madhu asks confused. "I might not have been here, but I know the tantrums you pulled to go away on a girls' trip to Bangkok." RK tells her. "It was not tantrum. I might have been a little stubborn. Radha aunty was not letting me go. She was scared I was going to get roofied there." Madhu says rolling her eyes. RK shakes his head in disappointment at her. "Not nice, Madhu. Very disappointed in you." "Don't care. You know why? I had a blast there and I have come back with my virtue intact." Madhu says grinning. "You should have seen the tantrum he pulled when he found out that you went away to Bangkok." Sultan informs him. "You did?" Madhu asks RK smiling happily. "That too without your pepper spray." Sultan adds from behind her chuckling. "You searched my room?" Madhu asks him frowning. Not even feeling guilty he shrugs and asks in a serious tone "Do you want to tell me why you stepped out of the house without the pepper spray and the swiss knife?" "Do you want to tell me why you went through my things?" Madhu asks back hands on hips. "To check whether you took the pepper spray and swiss knife I got you. Now your turn." RK replies very casually as if the whole fault was in her going without pepper spray and not him going through her stuff. "I forgot the pepper spray and I was scared I might get detained at the airport if I took that knife with me. " "You think getting raped is a better option than getting detained at the airport?" RK asks becoming angry by the second. "Well..." Madhu shrugs. "Try better, Madhubala Malik." RK tells her furiously. "Come on, Rishu! I know you worry for me. But that doesn't mean I should stay inside 24 x 7. Things happen in this world that doesn't mean I should be scared to step out of the house." "I never said you can't step out of the house. The world is not a good place, especially for a young girl. You have any idea how many rapes were reported in this month alone?" "Why do you act like this, Rishu?" Madhu asks helplessly. "Because I care for you. You are my friend. I would hate it if something were to happen to you." RK says irritated, she never seemed to understand how men thought; she was too innocent for her own good. A beautiful girl like her alone in the road was license enough for them to nab her and rape her. He shudder thinking about it. "Nothing would happen to me." Madhu tells him in a reassuring tone. "That's what every girl things till the moment something happens to them." RK tells her furiously. "How can you be so dumb? It's your responsibility to protect yourself." RK reminds her. "I protect myself. And enough Rishu, you are not my father." Madhu says angrily. "Good thing, I am not your father. If I was, you would have been under lock and key till you grew some brains." Madhu gasps out in outrage. "Both of you enough." Sultan says already getting bored with their banter. Rishu worried unnecessarily for the people he cared for and Madhu was a young girl who liked to enjoy life, and this was a common thing at their house. Even his parents didn't torture Madhu with the evils of the world talk like Rishu did. "Did you hear what he said?" Madhu turns to Sultan asking him in outrage. "Oh now, complain about me to my brother!" RK says irritated. "URGH! Why do I put up with you?" Madhu asks furiously. "Get out of my way. I'm going to see Uncle and Aunty." Madhu says as she furiously marched out of the room. "Pabbo is here." RK informs her. "Where is she?" Madhu asks warily. "Where else? Puja room." RK informs her. "Okay, I will stay clear of the Puja room." Madhu tells him. "Call me if she troubles you." RK tells her and Madhu nods. He watches her go and turns to Sultan, "She is not going to call me if Pabbo starts her crappy talks, right?" "No. And you should let her handle Pabbo. It's not your business." Sultan tells him. Without a reply RK hurries after Madhu. "Madhu, wait!"

Madhu walked down the stairs with RK. "So how was your trip?" RK asks her. "Great." Madhu says smiling. Looks like, he had forgiven her for going away without taking proper protection. He was weird like that, Madhu thought with a mental chuckle. And she loved him for all his crazy ways. He was very protective of her, and she knew the reason he was coming with her was to "protect" her from his Pabbo. Pabbo has become the bane of her existence. When Madhu's parents had passed away in an accident last year, Mohan Uncle and Radha Aunty had taken her in. They were her parents now. She had grown up with RK and Sultan as her parents and Rishu's parents were best friends, and when after their death when Madhu had no one to turn to they had took her in with open arms. This was her family now. Rishu's parents her parents, Rishu's brother her brother and Rishu her everything. She never realized when she started falling in love with him, but she was sure it was during one of his blasting her about her safety and the dangers of the world. It took her a long time to realize that his protective nature might be because he loved her. She wondered when he'll get around to telling her that he loved her, maybe she'll have to wait till his course is finished. He was doing his MBA, even though he was elder to her he was just finishing his course now. He had took a year break after his undergrads and then worked for three years, and then went back to finish his studies. And she had finished her studies last year, and his parents were looking for a groom for her but nothing serious has come up, and she knows if something serious were to come up then he would put a stop to it. "You seem lost." RK tells her. "You don't have to come with me. I'm not going anywhere near Pabbo." "I know." RK replies as he took out his mobile as it had started ringing. He cuts the call and messages Dipali, Sweetheart, will you call back in a bit.

Madhu rolls her eyes, there was no use reasoning with him, if he makes up his mind about something then he doesn't give up. Now he had decided to be her knight in shining armor, and she loved it when he became her knight. "You are back!" Pabbo accuses her. Madhu's smile drops as she looked at Rishu's Pabbo. "Where else will she come back to other than her house, Pabbo?" RK asks frowning. Rishu's Pabbo hated her. She hated the fact that they had took her in, an orphan who was below their social stature. According to Pabbo, she was a leech who fed on the Kundra's. Madhu tried to ignore Pabbo as much as possible, the only thing she hated about her stay with Kundra's. Pabbo visited more often than Madhu liked but she couldn't say anything about it after all Pabbo was relation while Madhu's a charity case. Whatever it was, Pabbo could never shake the feelings Madhu had for the Kundra's and what they felt for her, the only reason why she stayed back even after Pabbo's insults. "This is not her house." Pabbo tells him angrily. "I am sorry, Pabbo. That is not your say." RK tells her. "What do you mean by that?" Pabbo asks frowning. "It means, this house belongs to my father, and as far as I am aware he hasn't said anything about this house not being Madhu's, and I don't think it is your right to decide anything on that matter." RK tells her. "Enough." Madhu whispers to him. "Madhu, you are back?" Mohan says excitedly as he walked in. Madhu happily runs to him to hug him. "I am never going to forgive you for the trouble you caused me." Mohan informs her. Madhu grins at him, "He troubled you?" "And his mother too." Mohan adds. "Next time you want to take such trips, first you get his and Radha's permission. Then only come to me." Madhu pouts. "He won't let me go anywhere unless of course he accompanies me." "He was going to follow you to Bangkok." Mohan informs her. "He was?" Madhu asks turning to look at RK. And RK frowns at her, "My exams are coming up else I would have come to bring you back home." "Good thing you didn't." Madhu tells him. "And I couldn't find my passport." RK mutters then he turns to his father irritated, "Now can I get it back?" "It's with Sultan." Mohan tells him grinning. "Awww thank you." Madhu turns to Mohan hugging him again excitedly. "Go see, Radha. She is still angry with you." Mohan tells her. "Okay." Madhu says excitedly and ignoring Pabbo she runs inside. "She is given too much freedom here. You'll regret it." Pabbo warns Mohan. "The regret would be ours, not yours. So you don't break your head over it." RK tells her angrily.

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