Part 16

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Thank you so much guys for voting and commenting on the previous part... I have been busy lately, that is why I am not replying to the comments. Please forgive me.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming? And did you travel alone?" RK asks frowning.

"Stop your lecture on dangers of the evil bad world! I brought my pepper spray and swiss knife." Madhu tells him rolling her eyes.

"You should have told me you were coming," RK says as he looked inside again worriedly. "You wait here..."

"Why do you keep looking inside?" Madhu asks at the same time and pushes him aside opens the door and shrieks in horror.

There were four guys, one passed out on the couch, two passed out on the floor only in their boxers and another on a sofa and Madhu was not sure whether he was naked or wearing boxers as he had a cushion on his middle section. There were empty bottles and pizza boxes and even pizza on the floor. Hearing her shout three of them wake up while the naked guy continued to sleep. RK quickly turns her around so she is no longer looking at them instead facing his chest.

"Who is this?" she hears a guy asking.

"Didn't he say that its exams and he is married so no more flirting and getting drunk senseless? Then who is she?" a slurry voice asks.

"My wife." RK replies in a clipped tone.

"Bhabhi?" a voice asks shocked.

"You should have told us she is coming." a voice says, and he continues "Wake him up... Sean, get up."

"Can you all please wear something decent?" RK asks them.

Madhu could hear two of them running around. "Sean, wake up. HEY someone get his clothes, he is naked!"

"Why the hell is he naked?" RK asks shocked.

"He was feeling liberated yesterday and started stripping." another voice says.

"I have never seen a naked guy in my life, can I take a peek?" Madhu asks in an excited whisper.

RK furiously glares at her. If looks could kill then Madhu would have been dead on the floor.

"Hold him... we will put him in his room." a guy says and Madhu hears them moving around.

Finally, all were decent and Madhu was allowed to turn back and face them. RK quickly introduces her to his flat mates Rajeev, Sikky, Hiten and Sean passed out in the room. Then he quickly drags her to his room.

The room was a welcome change from the rest of the apartment. It was neat and tidy with everything in its place. RK slams the door shut and advances to her. "Why did you come here without telling me?" he asks her furiously and before she had time to reply he cups her face and starts smooching her hungrily. They were passionately kissing each other when RK pushes her away and asks "Who told you travel alone? You should have told me I would have come to pick you up from airport!" before she could reply he again pulls her in for another kiss. "And what the fuck was that about wanting to see a naked guy? I am the only naked guy you are ever going to see!" RK furiously tells her.

Then he again moves in to kiss her when Madhu quickly holds him on his collar and pulls him closer to her, "Then show me." Madhu tells him.

"God, I missed you, Madhu." RK passionately says as he started kissing her and removing their clothes at the same time.

RK watches Madhu as she lay next to him hugging him with her eyes closed with a hint of smile on her lips. He leans down and whispers into her ears "I love you."

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