Part 10

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Thank you so much for the votes and comments darlings... sorry, was not able to reply as I am a little busy lately.

"Why the secret marriage?" a man asks and RK puts up his hand indicating him to stop.
"The day Madhu and I confessed our love to each other; we got married in a temple. But didn't tell my parents about it because my elder brother was not married then and I am still studying and once my course was over we were planning to inform my parents about it and have a grand wedding. I couldn't tell the police the truth about our relation yesterday because my family was unaware of our marriage. Now that they are aware, I am coming public with my marriage and just because Madhu and I didn't have a grand wedding it doesn't mean staying in a hotel room with my wife is a crime or breaking the law. Thanks for your time." RK says and quickly getting up he walks off.

Everyone turns to look at Madhu in shock.
"We took that photo last night." Madhu tells them.
"And why didn't you tell me about the press conference when I asked you before?" Mohan asks her shocked.
"I didn't know about it. I didn't know what he was going to do with the photo." Madhu tells them honestly.
Mohan nods his head.
"Sir, B news channel is calling, they need a bite from you regarding Rishu Sir's marriage announcement." Patil informs him passing him the phone. Nodding his head Mohan quickly takes the phone and walks off while Trishna quickly changes the channel to B news.

A minute later, they hear Mohan's voice on the TV. "Mr. Kundra, Mr. Rishabh Kundra just announced that he has been married to Madhubala Malik for the last three months. What do you have to say about it?"
"When Rishu told me that he and Madhu have been married for the last three months I was shocked. I don't know why they felt the need to hide their marriage. Just because he hasn't finished his course and Sultan wasn't married doesn't mean he shouldn't get married. Madhu is my daughter and I'm happy that Rishu and she are going to be together all their life. It was always a secret dream of my wife and me, but we were under the impression that they never felt like that about each other. How silly of us?" Mohan asks chuckling. "Anyway, I would like to take this opportunity to announce that I'll be conducting Madhu's and his marriage properly by the end of this week."

Madhu sits rooted on her seat hearing that. She goes pale as she realized that Rishu's plan had backfired. As Radha and Trishna excitedly started talking about marriage preparations Madhu sat there silently watching them.
"Call Bittu and ask him to go pick up your sister." Mohan instructs Radha.
"But Pabbo went for some bhajan right?" Trishna asks confused.
"Yes, but she would want to attend Rishu's wedding, after all he is her favorite." Radha says as she picked up the phone to call Bittuji.
Madhu closes her eyes in dread, now all she needed was Pabbo in this mess.

After a while Madhu hears the car sound and runs outside. Seeing Rishu and Sultan come out of the car, she waits there. Realizing Madhu wants to talk to Rishu, Sultan goes inside giving them privacy.

Madhu hurries to RK. "Mohan uncle just announced our marriage to the media. He said we will get married by the end of this week." Madhu tells him worriedly.
"He did?" RK asks curiously.
"Yes. What will we do now? Your plan is going to fail." Madhu tells him worriedly.
"What exactly was my plan, Madhu?" RK asks shocked. Madhu looks at him confused. "Why do you think I took that photo?"
"So you could show it in court and clear our names. But when you showed it to press at first I was confused but then I realized. After sometime, maybe after your exams we will announce that our marriage is not working out and that we would get divorce or something like that." Madhu tells him confused.
"Do you really think that I would think of divorce of a non-existent marriage?" RK asks her exasperated.
"What was your plan?" Madhu asks shocked.
"Whatever is happening, it is going according to my plan." RK tells her.
"You don't mean we are really getting married, do you?" Madhu asks shocked.
"We are getting married." RK tells her with finality.
"But Rishu..."
"Stop worrying unnecessarily and go start your preparations for our wedding." RK orders her.

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