Part 14

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Madhu hands over her kundali to Pundit and stands behind Radha as she prayed. She didn't believe in all this kundali but if the Pundit says that she was bad luck on Rishu then she would simply die. She started praying hard that there be no problem in their kundali and he should say everything is good. She was praying so hard that she didn't notice her husband walk in with Sultan and Mohan.
"What is happening here?" RK asks as he jumps on the couch and settles there. "Sit here, biwi!" RK tells her as he gestured to the place next to him. Noticing that she didn't run to do his bidding like his Mom when his Dad asks her to do anything, RK looks at her. Seeing her nervously watching Pundit he turns to his mother asks suspiciously. "What is he looking?"
"Kundalis." Radha replies worriedly.
"Whose?" RK asks in a furious tone.
"Yours and Madhubala's." Pabbo answers when Radha hesitates.
RK stands up furiously and turns to Madhu, "Did you give your kundali?" Madhu nods her head. "With whose permission?" RK furiously asks her.
"Rishu... Pabbo asked me and I..."
"You didn't think it necessary to ask me before handing it over?"
Madhu gulps in guilt; she didn't think it was necessary to ask him. Seeing her looking at him in guilt he turns to the Pundit and says calmly, "Punditji, please give the kundalis back."
"What are you saying Rishu? We need to know if there is any dosh in Madhubala's kundali." Pabbo says.
"I don't believe in all this crap."
"You might not but we do."
"Then check yours but not my wife's and mine." RK says and turns back to the Pundit and says, "You still haven't given it back. Give it back and leave."
Pabbo gasps in outrage. "You are insulting him!!!! I called him here and you insulted him!"
"I am sorry, Pabbo. When you insult my wife and expect me to bear it, I expect you also to bear the insults that I hurl upon your guest."
"What insult?"
"It is nothing less than an insult to my wife and me that you are saying she has some problem in the kundali. I don't believe in that. God got Madhu and me together, and I know the reason he got us together is because we are best suited for each other. So even if you don't trust me or Madhu, trust your God and believe that he knows what he is doing." RK says and snatches the kundalis from the Pundit.
"This is not for your good, Rishu." Pabbo warns him.
"This is not for your good, Pabbo if you don't leave my wife alone." Rishu warns her.
"See the way your son is talking to me, Radha!"
"You are asking for it, didi. Just leave Madhu alone." Radha says in a fed up tone.
Pabbo gasps in shock. "She has all of you blinded with her fake act."
"What do you have against Madhu, Pabbo? What did she ever do to you?" RK asks tiredly.
"She is not good enough for us."
"No, Pabbo. You are not good enough to see the goodness in Madhu."
"You are comparing me to that Madhubala?" Pabbo asks outraged.
"No, I would never insult Madhu by comparing you to her." RK replies offended.
"So she is better than me? Does she mean so much to you now? More than your Pabbo?" Pabbo asks hurt.
"For God sake, she is my wife... Do you even have to ask that? Obviously she is more important to me." RK tells her.
"She is a curse on all of you!" Pabbo shouts angrily.
"If you can't respect my wife then I don't think you should be here anymore." RK tells her with finality.
"RISHU!" Madhu shouts at him angrily.
"This is long overdue, Madhu." Sultan gently tells her.
"And he is right, Madhu." Mohan calmly adds.
RK turns to Madhu and tells her, "You are my wife. Just as much as me you have every right to be in this house." Then he turns to Pabbo and adds, "And no one has the right to question it."

"Pabbo is leaving." Madhu informs RK as she hurries to the room.
RK who was looking out the window replies calmly, "Good."
"Ask her to stay, Rishu. She'll stay if you ask her." Madhu tells him.
"I won't." RK replies.
"Why do you let whatever she says bother you?" Madhu asks him.
RK turns to look at her and says calmly, "You are my wife. Insulting you is nothing short of insulting me."
Madhu sighs and asks him, "Why are you being so overprotective about me?"
"Trust me I have been asking myself that for some time now." RK tells her as he walked towards her. "I can't tolerate it if anyone hurts you, Madhu. So what if she is my Pabbo? No on hurts you." Madhu sighs and hugs him.
"Mummyji is going to be upset that Pabbo is leaving." Madhu tells him as he hugged her.
"Yes but she would be relieved to. Pabbo had it coming for a long time."
"She did." Madhu agrees remembering all the abuses Pabbo had hurled at her and she had to quietly take it because Pabbo was family.
"I am sorry that I didn't ask you before giving the kundali... we just got married maybe that is why it never crossed my mind that I should have talked to you before doing that."
"I understand, Madhu." RK tells her smiling. "Madhu..."
"I like being your husband." RK tells her.
Madhu smiles happily hearing that. "I know you like it a little too much as you get to bully me in front of everyone." Madhu tells acting pissed making him chuckle happily. "Are you done with your packing?" Madhu asks him.
"No. I got a little more left." RK tells her.
"You'll be fine without me here, right?" RK asks her.
Madhu looks up at him grinning, "I have lived here without you for a long time."
"But now you are my wife and you would be staying in our room, not in your old room. You'll be sleeping in our bed without me." Madhu blushes hearing that. Seeing her blush RK leans down and takes her lips in his. As RK kisses her Madhu moves closer to him cupping his face and kisses him back matching his vigor and passion.

"We have to get ready." Madhu gently tells him against his lips.
"Why?" RK groans.
"We have to go for dinner at Balraj uncle's right?"
"Why should we go? Tomorrow I am going for exams and I won't be back for 3weeks."
"Because he specifically invited us both." Madhu tells him grinning liking theway he was getting close to her and wanted to be with her.
RK sighs, "Okay go get ready."
"Leave me." Madhu tells him grinning.
"I don't feel like letting you go." Madhu quickly tickles him and he jumpsback, laughing Madhu runs off. "Madhu... not fair!" RK says.

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