Part 8

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15 minutes ago at the party

"Rishu, we are leaving!" Sultan tells him.

"Okay. When will you come back from bhabhi's place?" RK asks him.

"Two days." Sultan tells him.

"Okay. Madhu and I'll also leave soon." RK tells him and then turns to Trishna and hugs her, "Bye Bhabhi... take care."

"You too. I already told Madhu. See you after two days." Trishna says and waving she walks off with Sultan.

After Trishna and Sultan leaves, RK turns to where Madhu was sitting with her friends and starts frowning as she was not there. He quickly scans the hall but fails in locating her.

"Why doesn't she ever listen to me? How many times have I told her not to go anywhere without telling me?" RK furiously mutters as he took out his cell to call her. He frowns seeing his screen. There was a read report. He quickly checks it.

To Madhu? But I didn't send her any message.

He quickly checks the sent messages and sees the message sent to Madhu. Blood drained from his face as a thousand scenarios came into his mind regarding the reason for the message and none of them were good for Madhu. Cursing loudly he runs towards the room as he tried to call Madhu but she was not picking up the phone.

Madhu opens the door and walks in "Rishu?" seeing the empty room she decided to wait there wondering why he wanted to talk to her privately. Try as she may she couldn't come up with even one reason why he would want to talk to her here instead of at home.

She hears the door open and walks towards the door "Rish..." then she stops in shock seeing the stranger.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Madhu asks as she moved back seeing the stranger approaching her.

"I don't want anything."

Madhu's phone starts ringing, seeing it was Rishu calling her she starts to take the call when Mukund snatches the phone and throws it away. Mukund starts removing his shirt and messing up his hair. Madhu quickly tries to dash towards the door when he grabs her and throws on her to the bed.

"Please don't do anything to me." Madhu begs him in tears.

"I won't do anything to you."

"Let me go."

"Give me your lipstick and I'll let you go." Mukund tells her.

"What?" Madhu looks at him confused for a second.

Seeing her confusion he quickly snatches her handbag from her and takes out her lipstick and throws her bag back on the bed. Madhu watches in shock as he started drawing lip marks on his face and chest. Seeing him distracted with that she quickly grabs her bag and takes out the pepper spray Rishu had given her.

"LOOK HERE!" Madhu shouts at him and he quickly looks up and she sprays it right into his eyes and he shouts out in pain as he shifted back.

"MADHU! OPEN THE DOOR!" Rishu screams as he banged on the door.

Madhu runs to the door and opens it. "You alright?" RK asks as he hugged her.

"There is a man in there!" Madhu tells him crying in relief.

Leaving her he runs inside to find a man on the floor as he rubbed his eyes. RK turns to her in shock and she smiles through her tears "Pepper spray."

"I know this is not the right time, but now you realize what I have been telling you all these while?" RK asks her furiously.

Madhu nods her head in worry quickly.

"Good!" RK says then turning to the man he punches him right on his face.

"Open the door!" they hear a knock at the door.

Madhu thinking help has arrived hurries to the door to open the door. Mukund tries to stand up again when RK punches him on his nose again and he staggers back hitting his head on the foot of the bed and he passes out. RK looks at the man and sees lipstick marks on his body and starts frowning as he wondered what he could want. Then he hears it, the sound of flashes and a man's voice.

"We need to search the room. There is a complaint that immoral activity is going on here."

Finally, realization dawns on him and RK started thinking quickly. Someone was trying to frame Madhu and get her arrested for prostitution. But what would happen if they see this man? Will they believe if we tell them that he was trying to attack Madhu and I had saved her? He could hear the policeman again asking Madhu to move aside. No... seeing the lipstick marks they would assume that Madhu had an affair with this guy and I had an altercation with him, and I don't trust him to tell the truth. If they find him with us, Madhu's image would be tarnished beyond repair. Finally making up his mind, he drags the guy and pushes him under the bed. Then taking a deep breath he walks towards the door.

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- Lazy

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