Part 12

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RK nervously sits in the mandap as he watched the Pundit reciting mantras for the wedding. After what felt like ages, finally Trishna and Radha bring Madhu to the mandap. He tries to calm his racing heart but try as he may he just couldn't calm his nerves. He sat their fidgeting while she seemed calm, but he couldn't be sure that she was all calm and happy. They do as the Pundit tells them to. Finally he was going to put sindoor on her when Trishna lifts Madhu's ghoonghat for him. Finally he saw her face, and she was happily smiling at him. Seeing her so happy, he feels himself relaxing, his nerves calming down then happily smiling himself he marries her, she was happy about the wedding and that was all that mattered.

After they had a beautiful wedding and taking care of all the other rituals RK and Madhu are ushered to RK's bedroom. RK locks the door and turns back to see Madhu nervously standing.

Seeing her so nervous he says chuckling as he scratched his shoulder, "This thing is so damn itchy. I'll change."

Madhu chuckles seeing his irritation with his sherwani and nods her head.

As RK goes to change Madhu starts to remove her jewellery and make up. Once he changes his dress into a tshirt and track pants, Madhu goes to change. She comes out in a satin night gown and sees him sitting on the side of the bed. Seeing her he gets up and she nervously walks towards him but stops halfway near the bed. RK walks towards her and stands in front of her.

Seeing her looking down he tells her, "Thank you, Madhu." Madhu looks at him confused and he clarifies, "I asked you to come for the wedding happily and you did. It meant a lot to me. I was worried maybe you were not happy."

"You told me to forget all my worries and be happy. We are starting our new life together and we should be happy and optimistic." Madhu tells him gently smiling.

RK smiles at her and then gently cups her face and kisses her on her forehead. Madhu closes her eyes in bliss. They then hug each other and stand there for a while content and happy.

Slowly breaking away from each other he asks her "You ready to sleep?"

Madhu nods her head in reply.

"Which side do you want to sleep on?" RK asks her.

"Away from the window." Madhu replies.

RK looks at her curiously.

"I'm scared someone would climb through."

"Through the grills?"

"They can cut through." Madhu says shrugging though very embarrassed.

RK grins hearing that and says, "So I'll sleep that side you sleep this side."

They get on bed and lie side by side.

They were silent for a while then she hears him chuckling nervously.

"What?" Madhu asks turning on her side to look at him.

"I don't know. It feels strange. Doesn't it?" RK asks turning to look at her.

Madhu having dreamt of being his wife for a long time, this felt natural to her. She shrugs in reply.

Moonlight was on her face and she was looking breathtakingly beautiful. He gently caresses her cheeks with the back of his index finger.

"What are you doing?" Madhu asks a little breathlessly.

"I don't know, suddenly I feel like touching you." RK replies confused as he looked her in the eye.

Madhu stops breathing hearing that and then gets lost in his eyes, with the intense way he was looking at her. seeing her looking at him he moves closer to her, so close that their faces were so close that the tip of their noses were touching. He closes his eyes as he took in her scent. Her perfume, shampoo and shower gel, all three smells blending into an arousing smell that was creating havoc to his senses. He cups her face as he kisses her cheeks gently. Madhu sucks in her breath. He drags down his mouth from her cheeks to her chin slowly moving to the corner of her lips. RK closes his eyes as he tried to control his urges.

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