Part 15

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RK was getting ready when he saw Madhu taking her dress and walking out. "Where are you going?"
"To change."
"Change here." RK tells her.
"In front of you?" Madhu asks shocked
"Not today, maybe another day." RK replies. As Madhu gapes at him, he chuckles "I am going out you can change here."
"No I need Bhabhi's help. I'll go to her room." Madhu tells him and leaves still thinking about his comment about her changing her clothes in front of him.

RK was sitting with everyone waiting for Madhu and Trishna to come down and finally he hears them chattering as they walked towards them. RK looks up and stops breathing seeing Madhu in a black saree looking beautiful beyond words and one's imagination. As everyone starts to leave RK stays back waiting for Madhu. As she reached him he holds her hand, seeing them, Trishna grins at Madhu and walks off giving them privacy. Madhu blushes seeing the intense look RK was giving her.
"Madhu... you are looking..." RK stops trying to find the correct word.
"You are looking very handsome, Rishu." Madhu tells him smiling shyly.
"And you are looking ... I can't find the right word to tell you how beautiful you are looking." RK tells her giving up.
"You just did." Madhu tells him smiling happily.
"Do we really have to go for this dinner?" RK asks her.
"We do." Madhu replies smiling. RK sighs.

After dinner RK and Madhu walks back to their room, and Madhu hurries to the bathroom. A while later she pokes her head out of the bathroom and sees RK sitting on the bed waiting for her. "Can you call bhabhi?"
"Bhabhi? Why?" RK asks confused.
"I need help." Madhu tells him.
"I can help." RK tells her as he got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom.
"No... no... I need bhabhi. Please?"
"Okay." RK sighs. RK takes out his phone and calls Sultan in the next room. "Sultan..."
"Please Rishu... I am too tired I can't deal with any of your problems!" Sultan begs him.
"It's not that... Madhu needs bhabhi's help. Can you ask her to come here?"
"She slept." Sultan informs him.
"Bhabhi slept." RK informs Madhu.
"Oh!" Madhu says disappointed. "What about mummyji?"
"What do you want Madhu?" RK asks frowning as he cut the call.
"I need help removing my blouse."
"OH!" blood flowing south... blood flowing south... blood flowing south.

"Rishu? Please call mummyji."
"She slept."
"If you want I can help." RK says gulping and taking deep breaths.
Madhu watches him for a long time and asks "Will you promise to keep your eyes closed?"
RK closes his eyes and says, "Come out."
"Don't open. Open only when I ask you to." Madhu tells him as she walked out of the bathroom. She stands in front of him with her back to him. "Okay, I am here. Quickly open. Not your eyes, I meant the hooks." Madhu tells him tensed. "Don't open your eyes... okay?" Madhu tells him as she felt his hand on her blouse.
RK opens his eyes and looks at her in shock, silly woman had removed her saree.
"Fast!" His mouth went dry as he touched the topmost hook. The moment he touches she gasps. Feeling his lips dry up RK darts his tongue out to wet it, then he removes the second hook and sees her creamy skin and sucks in his breath.
"You haven't opened your eyes right?" Madhu asks him nervously hearing him.
In reply he leans down and kisses her naked back. Madhu stiffens feeling his lips on her and turns around in shock. Seeing him looking at her she quickly starts to run when he holds her and pulls her towards him.
"You opened your eyes." Madhu gently accuses him as she struggled in his hold.
"I didn't say I would not open it." RK reminds her.
"Leave me." Madhu says in a quiet voice as she continued to struggle.
He leans down and kisses on her neck. Madhu sighs as he kisses her giving into her passion. As RK continues to kiss her Madhu moans and presses her up against him. "I want you Madhu." RK urgently tells her and Madhu stiffens.
"I can't."
RK stops and looks at her in shock and hurt. Seeing the hurt expression she quickly tells him, "It's not that I don't want to... I can't."
"Why?" RK asks confused.
"I can't." Madhu says again embarrassed.
"Is it because I don't love you?" RK asks her.
"I don't know what you think love is Rishu. What you show me by standing up for me and fighting for me every day. The way you want to..." Madhu blushes, "with me... for me there is no greater love than that."
RK looks at her in shock for a while did he love her? Was he the only one who didn't see it?
"I can't, Rishu." Madhu tells him again.
"Why, Madhu?"
"I can't." Madhu says turning pink.
"I can't, you idiot! Can't you understand?" Madhu asks irritated.
RK looks at her confused for a while and seeing her turning pink by the second he finally understands. "Do you have your periods?"
"You don't have to say that out loud... you know." Madhu says mortified.
"I'm your husband." RK reminds her.
"Trust me, the way you kept going my wife... my wife... in just a day makes it difficult to forget that you are my husband but still it is very embarrassing." Madhu says looking down.
RK sighs loudly and hugs her. "So three weeks... huh?"
"No... just one week." Madhu tells him.
"But I'll come back only after three weeks right?"
"Oh." Madhu says sadly.
"I don't feel like going away from you." RK tells her.
"And you say you don't love me." Madhu sighs chuckling.

The next day, RK leaves for Delhi for his exams.

Two weeks later

"How was your exam?" Madhu asks RK on the phone.
"Exam was good. But hear this..." RK says excitedly.
"What?" Madhu asks excitedly.
"Dipali got caught cheating. She is rusticated." RK tells her.
"Really?" Madhu asks shocked.
"Yup and the college management has filed a police case against her."
"So what will happen?"
"I think cheating during exams can get you up to 3 years imprisonment." RK tells her.
"Wow! I know I shouldn't be happy but I am."
"Happy? I am ecstatic. After what she did to you, I was feeling so miserable that she had walked away unscratched from hurting you. This is justice."
"Yes! I second that."
"Aren't you one vengeanceful little kitten?" RK teases her.
"Yes!" Madhu says proudly making RK chuckling.
"I am missing you so terribly here, Madhu."
"Really?" Madhu asks smiling.
"Yes. At times I miss you so much that I can't study."
"Even I miss you, Rishu. So badly."
"I so wish I could see you. One more week to go." RK says sighing.
"I'll see you soon." Madhu tells him.

Next day morning, Madhu excitedly stood outside RK's apartment as sherings the bell. She had to ring another two times before the door was opened.
"Madhu?" RK says shocked.
Seeing him after two weeks she was so happy, she smiles at him happily"Surprise!!!" Madhu tells him.
"What are you doing here?" RK asks shocked as he turned to look inside theapartment worriedly.
"You said you were missing me, so I am here."

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